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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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When I watched him for benefice I thought he was brilliant and was made up when we signed him. God knows what we do to some players when we sign them. We must put them in a chamber like in Superman 2 and take away all their powers.


It's not what we do it's what Rodgers does to them. Dropping him after a few games, inexplicably, before playing him as a wing back, both left and right, then throwing him under the bus when he doesn't turn into Dani Alves in three weeks. 


How can you come to a new league, where you don't speak the language, play in a position that's alien to you and succeed straight away in a team spearheaded by Mario Balotelli?

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He didn't get a chance. Give the lad a fucking chance. Honey and nut, bitches. 


It really is that simple. Also, if Fenerbahce can win the league there, he'll have 5 league titles to his name in 3 different countries by age 22. That's impressive whichever way you look at it.  

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Markovic will be the full hog loss with no sale.


No one even wanted the fucker on loan for free!


Don't think anyone should be judging any of the committee signings based on what they did under Brendan.


Look at Firmino.  Under Rodgers he had about 10 games, no goals, no assists.  Now he has 7 goals and 7 assists in the league in 18 games under Klopp.  Completely different player.


I would suggest we should at least give Markovic a chance under Klopp.  Could be he comes back and isn't any better than Ibe, in which case we'll sell him (someone will probably give us 15m, there's zero chance he'd be anywhere near as bad a loss as Downing).  Could be he comes back and is a really valuable backup for a year or two while he reaches his full potential.


Either way, after seeing what's happened to Firmino I've decided that all the players who didn't perform under Brendan are getting a pass in my book until they've proven rubbish under a real manager.

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Don't think anyone should be judging any of the committee signings based on what they did under Brendan.


Look at Firmino. Under Rodgers he had about 10 games, no goals, no assists. Now he has 7 goals and 7 assists in the league in 18 games under Klopp. Completely different player.


I would suggest we should at least give Markovic a chance under Klopp. Could be he comes back and isn't any better than Ibe, in which case we'll sell him (someone will probably give us 15m, there's zero chance he'd be anywhere near as bad a loss as Downing). Could be he comes back and is a really valuable backup for a year or two while he reaches his full potential.


Either way, after seeing what's happened to Firmino I've decided that all the players who didn't perform under Brendan are getting a pass in my book until they've proven rubbish under a real manager.

Including Balotelli?

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Including Balotelli?


OK, maybe "getting a pass" was a bit strong, though I do think he'd be miles better under Klopp than he was under Rodgers. 


While I would be very intrigued to see Balotelli working under Klopp, I suspect it would probably end in tears as he's poorly suited to the rampaging-around-pressuring-defenders-and-then-starting-quick-breaks style Klopp will be looking to develop.  Sell him to China and see if we can't get most of our money back.


But for most of the rest of them, I'd like to see them at least given a chance under Klopp.  I doubt it will happen in most of their cases, but the likes of Alberto would be interesting.  I particularly think Gomez will shine under Klopp even more than he did under Rodgers.

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In my feline opinion, he should be stopped in the borders of the Glorious Independent State of Merseyside (the nicest part on the rainy little island), then interrogated regarding his view on IslamoNazism and Erdogan, searched, examined and then let the German decide. 

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Seeing what Klopp has done with Benteke seems to make it pretty obvious that he wouldn't have had a bar of Balotelli.


Theres a rumour on another thread that their is a pocket of 'KLOPP doubters' active within the website and people are writing him off. Sounds like you're one of them? 


Anything further to say?

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Theres a rumour on another thread that their is a pocket of 'KLOPP doubters' active within the website and people are writing him off. Sounds like you're one of them?


Anything further to say?

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I was purely going off the fact that Klopp hasn't picked Benteke because he offers no movement up front. Balotelli's movement is even worse and he gives less of a shit so I doubt he would get anywhere near the team if he was here.

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Another one of our bizzare decisions was instead of loaning him to a top Championship club for a season to learn the British style of football and toughen him up we sent him on a jolly in the sun.


"Wish you were here m8 xx!"




Really though, you think Turkish league is a jolly in the sun?



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Another one of our bizzare decisions was instead of loaning him to a top Championship club for a season to learn the British style of football and toughen him up we sent him on a jolly in the sun.

Think he's a bit above Championship level. Didn't he win two league titles in two different countries before coming here? The championship is hardly gonna get him used to the British game either.


I have no idea if he'll make it here or not. I don't think he's a shithouse, he puts a shift in defensively, but he is a bit lightweight. I'd just like to see him given a chance in his favoured position. He's one of those I could see coming back in the summer and making an instant impact in the first month or two, but doubt he'll be a starter as the season progresses.

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