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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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Absolutely. He'll need to add more end product to his game in order to start regularly here, but he definitely has the attributes to be a very dangerous player. You can't teach the kind of pace and acceleration he has. His vision is also very good.


You are right though, we need to either play him centrally or as a narrow winger to get the best out of him. Rodgers just had no idea how to use him, or what kind of player he was.

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Markovic is easily the worst transfer we have ever done pins for pound it's worse than carroll or benteke.


We won't get a single penny for him

Bull. He actually scored and assisted in his first season, unlike premier league proven Downing. He also cost between 18-20 million, and although exorbitant, is a shitload less than Carroll and Benteke. If he fulfills some of his potential (a big if at this point), AND gets played in his proper position, will offer a lot more to the team than either one of those two.


Hes also 22, not 32. He'll have a decent resale value should we decide to get rid. A number of teams would be eager to pick up a player with his background, age and workrate for 8-12 million, if not more due to the new TV deal.


Worst transfer? not even close.



Paid 20mil, sold 5mil. 15 mil loss



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Bull. He actually scored and assisted in his first season, unlike premier league proven Downing. He also cost between 18-20 million, and although exorbitant, is a shitload less than Carroll and Benteke. If he fulfills some of his potential (a big if at this point), AND gets played in his proper position, will offer a lot more to the team than either one of those two.


Hes also 22, not 32. He'll have a decent resale value should we decide to get rid. A number of teams would be eager to pick up a player with his background, age and workrate for 8-12 million, if not more due to the new TV deal.


Worst transfer? not even close.



Paid 20mil, sold 5mil. 15 mil loss

Markovic will be the full hog loss with no sale.


No one even wanted the fucker on loan for free!

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Look at the last two reds he has received. One for doing something only Clattenberg could say, as he was on the bench at the time. He only missed a final to try and win a trophy for a club that has seen no European silverware for over half a century. The other for maybe brushing a fingernail in the vicinity of some cunt's stubble. 


So when some guy is actually on top of him and making it like he was about to hit him, what's he meant to do? Of course, people who have already made their mind up about him will only see it as him being a coward, but it was a pretty awkward situation for a guy that has seen the joke side of 'violent conduct' twice now. And missed a total of 5(!) games for it. 

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Klopp bringing him back because he wants to see if there is a player he can develop in there.

Its why he has recalled a lot of players who were out on loan to do the same. If not then he will be added to the players going out to raise funds.

This is what Klopp is about after all, developing players who others thought were'nt good enough.

My guess is he will get the pre season to impress, as we will likely be down a few players who will get extended holidays from the euros.

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Klopp bringing him back because he wants to see if there is a player he can develop in there.

Its why he has recalled a lot of players who were out on loan to do the same. If not then he will be added to the players going out to raise funds.

This is what Klopp is about after all, developing players who others thought were'nt good enough.

My guess is he will get the pre season to impress, as we will likely be down a few players who will get extended holidays from the euros.


Don't know about that - Ojo, Rossiter (he'd out less time for a broken fucking leg than this supposed hamstring injury), et al. have simply disappeared after some promising moments. What development?

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I remember watching him a few seasons ago in the UEFA cup against Spurs and he reminded me of Gareth Bale. There was a point in the game when he broke with the ball on a counter about 60 yards from goal and flew past their players like nothing, he made them look like schoolboys.


I've never seen him do that once in a liverpool shirt. I think he's a much better player centrally than on the wings as well, totally wasted out wide. He's at his best running from the centre circle straight at the opposition.




Stuff like this at 25 seconds in. He's a very direct player, totally at odds with Rodgers slow build up play in his last season. He'd work well in Klopp's Dortmund side because they were very direct and sprung counter attacks all the time.

When I watched him for benefice I thought he was brilliant and was made up when we signed him. God knows what we do to some players when we sign them. We must put them in a chamber like in Superman 2 and take away all their powers.

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