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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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Sterling got to play in behind Suarez and Sturridge running amok. Markovic had to try and play in Balotelli, Borini and Lambert. From wing back. That isn't to say he is as good as Sterling or will be etc. But for people to act like he's already had a fair crack of the whip at Liverpool is just taking the piss. 

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LiverpoolFF ‏@LiverpoolFF 5h5 hours ago

FSG made it clear they will back Klopp's every decision, including Lazar Markovic being brought back from loan at Fenerbahce. -Dom King


Oh look at that, Klopp rates him.


Doesn't really mean he rates him, more like he's giving him a fair chance to be of some use to the club.

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LiverpoolFF ‏@LiverpoolFF 5h5 hours ago

FSG made it clear they will back Klopp's every decision, including Lazar Markovic being brought back from loan at Fenerbahce. -Dom King


Oh look at that, Klopp rates him.

He also rates mignolet. So fuck that shit
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It was only a few months back people were saying Klopp rated Benteke and he wanted him at Dortmund. I'd take this stuff with a pinch of salt for now.


I'm sure he will take a look at him in preseason anyway why would the club talk down his resell value at the moment.


Regardless if people rate him or whatever, why didn't they send him to a Bournemouth/Swansea or a top championship team and keep him in England.

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It was only a few months back people were saying Klopp rated Benteke and he wanted him at Dortmund. I'd take this stuff with a pinch of salt for now.


I'm sure he will take a look at him in preseason anyway why would the club talk down his resell value at the moment.


Regardless if people rate him or whatever, why didn't they send him to a Bournemouth/Swansea or a top championship team and keep him in England.


What a bizarre comparison. Klopp was debating whether to spend upwards of 25mill to bring Benteke to Dortmund. In the end, he didn't feel the investment worth it. So much for wanting or rating him.


Markovic is already at the club. Completely different situation. If he didn't like him he could just get rid of him like he's doing with Balotelli. 


Rodgers didn't rate him. That's why he was sent on loan abroad. I'm sure the people at the club were thrilled that the manager would loan out a 20mill signing just like that.

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What a bizarre comparison. Klopp was debating whether to spend upwards of 25mill to bring Benteke to Dortmund. In the end, he didn't feel the investment worth it.


Markovic is already at the club. Completely different situation. If he didn't like him he could just get rid of him like he's doing with Balotelli. 


Rodgers didn't rate him. That's why he was sent on loan abroad. I'm sure the people at the club were thrilled that the manager would loan out a 20mill signing just like that.

Not sure many but yourself would compare Mario and Markovics circumstances.


You would think a sensible club who want to try and develop a player would keep him in a similar environment. Especially for a young lad finding his feet in a new country.


I very much doubt Rodgers said send him out the country deport the cunt.

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Lazar has a lot of pace. He's a fit young lad and maybe Klopp wants that for the pressing game he is working on implementing. He's already a club player so it's not like we are breaking the bank for him - we've already singed him.


It still baffles me how we chased him and paid the amount we did for him. But hey ho - get him back and get him doing some leg work for the team running and carrying the ball on the break and tracking back hassling and pressing.

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I remember watching him a few seasons ago in the UEFA cup against Spurs and he reminded me of Gareth Bale. There was a point in the game when he broke with the ball on a counter about 60 yards from goal and flew past their players like nothing, he made them look like schoolboys.


I've never seen him do that once in a liverpool shirt. I think he's a much better player centrally than on the wings as well, totally wasted out wide. He's at his best running from the centre circle straight at the opposition. 




Stuff like this at 25 seconds in. He's a very direct player, totally at odds with Rodgers slow build up play in his last season. He'd work well in Klopp's Dortmund side because they were very direct and sprung counter attacks all the time.

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