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Mohamed Salah


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4 hours ago, lebron said:


I mentioned this a few pages back, but if his hamstring hasn't properly healed, shooting may be even worse than sprinting, both physically and mentally. 


In my view, he has tried to play at 85 pct, thinking he will help the team. Fact is his 100 pct before his injury was already borderline in terms of what we need in the winger's position. Nothing wrong with that, few pacy players keep their explosivity well into their 30s. What we're seeing now though is just as shadow of what was. We're (or maybe he himself) basically asking him to be a Messi-like playmaker, which he is not, some outstanding through balls aside.


The big thing for me, aside from the fact he looks like he's holding back on the shooting, we've also allowed him to not have to press, but that pretty much means as a team we don't press. If he's not over his injury (which I don't believe he is), I think he might have been much more useful in the last 20 or 30 mins of games, where he might not be able to be explosive or indeed smash a shot properly, he can play those incredible through balls he's got better at over the last few years and expose the opposition as they mentally tire and maybe don't cover runs as well. 


My gut feeling is he and klopp have decided to give it a go and unfortunately it hasn't quite work out. 


1 hour ago, Code said:

Open day at the asylum again I see. 

Do you think Mo is playing well? Mate, he's been shite since he came back. It's not to say others haven't been shite too, but he's our world class star, his lack of form hurts us more than any other player. I think there's absolutely no doubt he playing with an injury. And we (and he) might be better if he was used more sparingly. 

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5 hours ago, lebron said:


Why would you, though? He can't strike a ball to save his life, and is getting worse and worse at it. I'm 100 pct sure some of it is related to his injury. 


Clearing up his hamstring issues is the only way he stays on for me. If he can't sprint or put his left foot through the ball no more, we can't cater to his ego/salary.


I'm talking when he's fit. He obviously isn't now, but pre the new year his numbers where good. Get him closer to goal so he gets more chances and he still has a great eye for a pass. No point in isolating him wide when he's obviously losing pace

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Him and Nunez the main culprits of our downfall the last couple of months. Would sell both in a heartbeat right now. The moment you think you’re bigger than the manager it’s time to get rid.


Showed my sons the clip of Terry talking about Villas-Boas earlier in the week, and they were shocked to see someone lauded as a leader talk that way. Fair to say they had some questions to how Mo acted on the sideline today.


He can count himself very lucky to have stumbled on a situation where Klopp, Mane and Firmino all played to his strengths.

Happy to see him go now before he tarnishes his reputation further.



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Fuck him. 

He’s not the only one, quite a few of them are trying on the Billy big bollocks act of late; Salah thinking being dropped for being completely shite is beneath him, Trent thinking he doesn’t need to defend and can pick where he plays, Virg thinking he doesn’t have to actually sprint or get physical with an attacker when defending. 

100% effort is the bare minimum and a few of these cunts on not inconsiderable salaries need a fucking rocket up their arses and reminded of it every day in training. 

A shout of ‘do as you’re fucking told by the manager’ at the next game wouldn’t go amiss. 

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The concept of authority is fascinating isn't it? Even if someone is essentially a good person, if they perceive your loss of authority over them, such as Klopp stepping down, they act up.


Similar thing happened with Beckham when he sensed himself becoming bigger than the club, so Ferguson kicked him in the head and sold him.

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1 hour ago, Trojan1892 said:


That fire he’s talking about pity he hasn’t shown any on the pitch for weeks the mouthy cunt.


Disgraceful. And delusional. 


The club should be clamping down on this, but I guess it's too distracted with its own briefing about Klopp and Nunez. It's hard enough to keep all the players under control when they know the manager is leaving, but when the new manager is already chatting away in public about the club it makes Klopp look like Banquo's fecking ghost. Salah's always been a bit of self-obsessed little tit, which has been easy to tolerate when he's been scoring masses of goals, but to play the way he's played this year, and to behave like this - he needs a public rebuke. 

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Klopp was right not to start him today as he’s been shite recently. 

as for him having that reaction he can fuck right off.

Ronaldo was doing that kind of shite at the mancs & I was laughing at them thinking the mess they’d gotten themselves into with a player thinking he’s bigger than the club or the manager.


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