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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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7 hours ago, TheBitch said:

This upstanding forum was built upon people posting while inebriated.
Don’t even think about quitting what has made this forum the place it is. 

It used to be mandatory.  Ever since Usher relaxed the rule we’ve had all sorts of soberflakes on here bitching about being a bit sad and a bit poorly, even though injuries through drunken use of power tools or falling out of taxi cabs were not involved. 

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You type in specifically what you want and it fills the page with irrelevant shite.


Mrs HL's just got a new phone and wanted a screen protector and a case. Not a proper case mind, one of those hideous, poncey things only birds like.


So I ordered the protectors and they're fine, the case however is for the Pixel Pro not the Pixel which is what was requested in the search.


I've checked and yes the case is as ordered so my fault for not checking and checking again but why can't they just show what you ask for ffs.



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On 19/11/2023 at 20:01, Harry's Lad said:



You type in specifically what you want and it fills the page with irrelevant shite.


Mrs HL's just got a new phone and wanted a screen protector and a case. Not a proper case mind, one of those hideous, poncey things only birds like.


So I ordered the protectors and they're fine, the case however is for the Pixel Pro not the Pixel which is what was requested in the search.


I've checked and yes the case is as ordered so my fault for not checking and checking again but why can't they just show what you ask for ffs.





Trying to manage subscriptions is a nightmare too, click every page and there's nothing there, then you'll find the obscure hyperlink to what you were looking for, then they'll ask you 40 times do you want to change your mind.

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She’s going to see Macbeth with Ralph Fiennes tonight. Nice meal before it etc. 

“what’s your plans tonight?” 
“walk the dog then probably watch the Ireland game”

”any chance you could paint the kitchen ceiling?” 
“Why didn’t you ask me at the weekend when I had the paint out and was already painting the landing?” 
“well I thought you could do it tonight while I’m not in” 

I was looking forward to a night in my bills and a decent film. Snakes with periods 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

She’s going to see Macbeth with Ralph Fiennes tonight. Nice meal before it etc. 

“what’s your plans tonight?” 
“walk the dog then probably watch the Ireland game”

”any chance you could paint the kitchen ceiling?” 
“Why didn’t you ask me at the weekend when I had the paint out and was already painting the landing?” 
“well I thought you could do it tonight while I’m not in” 

I was looking forward to a night in my bills and a decent film. Snakes with periods 

With Ralph Fiennes? Hope he's paying for drinks and snacks.

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Those wee nuts they put in the rice of oven curries.


People wearing headphones and stotting about the middle of the pavement with no idea that there might be other people in the World who walk faster than them.


People who phone you about an e-mail they've just sent you.

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1 hour ago, Kevin D said:

Microsoft Teams’s generally, but specifically when you’ve muted someone and they can still send you messages or add you to groups.


We've had a couple of projects where some busy cunts on the customer side have wanted a 'project' Teams channel. So instead of their generally inane and insane requests getting filtered out by our PMs, they come straight to us and we have to deal with their bullshit. Hate the fucking thing with a passion.

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Smelly Bastards.


I'm working in the office today, it's a relatively new job so I don't know everyone in the building yet however Friday's are pretty quite as way have a work from home option so Friday tends to be the popular choice.


I went to the toilet about 9am as I needed a dump, the toilet has two cubicle however one of them has a dodgy seat so I go in the other. Fuck me, whatever cunt had been in there before me needs medical attention, not because he'd had a bad shite, not at all but the remaments of a stench he'd left behind was absolutely rancid, I'm talking eye-watering, baulking level of sweaty BO. It would have smelt better if Piltdown Man had awoken from his slumber and spent a day in there.


I had to walk straight back out, just hope nobody seen my leave and then went it. I went back just now and it was still hanging so used the downstairs toilet instead.


Jesus, some people. 

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16 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

My ten year old has started making tea and coffee. I swear she must get a spoonful of sugar, take three steps back and then launch it somewhere in the direction of the cups. 

Ah bless her for trying, she'll get it eventually, it's probably nerves in case she makes a mistake.

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