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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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16 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

Does my nut in that.

Granted, the angle of the undercarriage is a bit suspect but the rest of it is OK. These fuckers zero in on the most minute detail.


The undercarriage is exactly as it fit from the kit. Manufacturers error, not mine.


Covered the swastika again, because it may not be what some want to see and I appreciate that, some see their arse over that too, even though groups request you don't post them on social media.20230822_150149.jpg

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Watched "The Pillowman" at the Duke of York today. The play was very good - Steve Pemberton and Lily Allen were excellent. What wasn't excellent was the sheer number of cunts who couldn't carry out the simple task of switching their fucking phone to silent. One such fuck wit not only let their phone ring full volume the instant the play started, he also managed to let it go off twice more. I must have counted 7 or 8 people who either got calls or texts during the performance. Fucking whoppers need their phones launching into the river.

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Was reading this earlier and it reminded me how i dislike parents who make kids do an exam early. What is the point.


This kid for example got top marks in the foundation paper. What's the point? The kid will have to revise again for the higher paper at some point, so the parents can lord it over everyone else. When does he have time for sweets and cartoons.

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39 minutes ago, John102 said:



Was reading this earlier and it reminded me how i dislike parents who make kids do an exam early. What is the point.


This kid for example got top marks in the foundation paper. What's the point? The kid will have to revise again for the higher paper at some point, so the parents can lord it over everyone else. When does he have time for sweets and cartoons.

Someone I knew had there kid sit a Maths GCSE at 11. It was the school who suggested it. If you have them sat in class with others their age doing the same shit, they become bored and disinterested. He was a pretty normal kid and still played out with his mates and loved footy.

Pretty sure he went to Uni really early and is probably now earning shitloads.

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3 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

Mate, there were quite a few of them making their way to the gates who looked like they had more than half a tab already.


There was a time I'd I've been in my element there but fuck it for a game of soldiers these days, Instagram hellhole, take me back to when it was at the airport!


I went in 2006, left by midnight after the Prodigy finished. It was full of the worst kind of bellends I've ever seen. Groups of beaked up bellends taking liberties with anyone who wasn't local or in a gang. 

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22 hours ago, Rushies tash said:

Watched "The Pillowman" at the Duke of York today. The play was very good - Steve Pemberton and Lily Allen were excellent. What wasn't excellent was the sheer number of cunts who couldn't carry out the simple task of switching their fucking phone to silent. One such fuck wit not only let their phone ring full volume the instant the play started, he also managed to let it go off twice more. I must have counted 7 or 8 people who either got calls or texts during the performance. Fucking whoppers need their phones launching into the river

For me Clive this is not a 'little' thing. It beggars belief how many of these wankers there are at the theatre and at the pictures.

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4 hours ago, John102 said:



Was reading this earlier and it reminded me how i dislike parents who make kids do an exam early. What is the point.


This kid for example got top marks in the foundation paper. What's the point? The kid will have to revise again for the higher paper at some point, so the parents can lord it over everyone else. When does he have time for sweets and cartoons.


Maths GCSE is a piece of piss though isn't it? I did mine when I was 14. Nothing to do with my parents though, everyone in top set did it a year early.

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23 hours ago, Rushies tash said:

Watched "The Pillowman" at the Duke of York today. The play was very good - Steve Pemberton and Lily Allen were excellent. What wasn't excellent was the sheer number of cunts who couldn't carry out the simple task of switching their fucking phone to silent. One such fuck wit not only let their phone ring full volume the instant the play started, he also managed to let it go off twice more. I must have counted 7 or 8 people who either got calls or texts during the performance. Fucking whoppers need their phones launching into the river.

Not the same, but I put it in the same pot and blame the same people, but I got home from holiday yesterday night and the first hour of the flight home had a fella and his lad in the seats behind us watching a film on a phone or tablet with the sound on loud, no headphones in sight. Selfish pricks. I wanted to read a book for 30-45 minutes then get my head down and sleep so I wouldn’t be too fucked driving the 90 minutes home from the airport at 3am, but no. These pricks wanted to watch the telly.

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29 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Maths GCSE is a piece of piss though isn't it? I did mine when I was 14. Nothing to do with my parents though, everyone in top set did it a year early.


Yeah, i think a year early is quite standard isnt it. We did some of ours early.


Im not sure what the point of putting a young lad in for his foundation level at 9 or whatever, when he is obviously going to get an A* or whatever the equivalent is at some point in the future when he is older, other than for bragging rights in the primary school and to have the other parents/teachers buzzing off you.

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14 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Obviously I'm missing a gag here because I was in top set.


Your birthday is in November, so everybody in top set (Including you allegedly) took it a year early.... It would have been two years early wouldn't it? I might be wrong, you're the only one on here with a maths GCSE of course. 


14 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

You don't want to be in his gang?


Same gang as @Ezekiel 25:17 ?! Fuck no 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Your birthday is in November, so everybody in top set (Including you allegedly) took it a year early.... It would have been two year early wouldn't it? I might be wrong, you're the only one on here with a maths GCSE of course. 


I was 14 because I'd skipped the last year of junior school already and entered secondary school when I was 10. Everyone else in top set, bar one other lad who was even younger than me, was 15 when they took it.


"Allegedly", fucking hell, do you want me to go and scan my certificate for you?

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4 minutes ago, Strontium said:


I was 14 because I'd skipped the last year of junior school already and entered secondary school when I was 10. Everyone else in top set, bar one other lad who was even younger than me, was 15 when they took it.


"Allegedly", fucking hell, do you want me to go and scan my certificate for you?


Nah you're alright fella, I believe you. Just testing the maths, frazzled my own thick mind out working it out anyway so 1 nil Strontz. 

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