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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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On 18/08/2023 at 12:08, manwiththestick said:

Shit packaging.


This morning I was the victim of a double mess in the kitchen due to absolutely nonsense packaging.


Exhibit 1. I'm having weetabix for breakfast, open the box and I'm presented with two of those 12 packs unopened. I go to open a pack. Why is the packaging made from the shit filmey, plastic type that is impossible to open without send bits of Weetabix, a biscuit known for being brittle as fuck, all over the kitchen. Why not paper packing?


Exhibit 2. After pouring the milk on the Weetabix I like to sprinkle some sugar on top. Sugar pot is empty so I get a bag of sugar out of cupboard. Bags of sugar, why? Why the stupid fold on the top which somehow holds a deceiving amount of sugar, lying in wait for you to peel the fold over to fall our all of the place.


Design pricks.


you've had a dreadful start to the day.  Hope things pick up for you.

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2 minutes ago, Mook said:


Folk can not listen to whatever they want.


It's the sanctimonious ranting which I object to.


I was joking mate. Morrissey is a bellend but The Smiths and some of his solo stuff are ace. Tell him to fuck off. 

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15 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


I was joking mate. Morrissey is a bellend but The Smiths and some of his solo stuff are ace. Tell him to fuck off. 


It seems to be very prevalent at the moment, people become so entrenched in their politics, they refuse to accept anyone can have a different view and that's it for them.


I mean Roger Daltrey is as much entitled to his opinion on Brexit as anyone else & it hardly makes Magic Bus shit (that was another one the boy at my work brought up).


The guy is clueless as well, he was on about The Stones being shit the other day so I asked him to name one of their shit LPs and he couldn't. He's never heard Exile On Main St either.

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3 minutes ago, Mook said:


It seems to be very prevalent at the moment, people become so entrenched in their politics, they refuse to accept anyone can have a different view and that's it for them.


I mean Roger Daltrey is as much entitled to his opinion on Brexit as anyone else & it hardly makes Magic Bus shit (that was another one the boy at my work brought up).


The guy is clueless as well, he was on about The Stones being shit the other day so I asked him to name one of their shit LPs and he couldn't. He's never heard Exile On Main St either.


Proof alone that he's a huge cunt. 

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On 18/08/2023 at 12:08, manwiththestick said:

Shit packaging.


This morning I was the victim of a double mess in the kitchen due to absolutely nonsense packaging.


Exhibit 1. I'm having weetabix for breakfast, open the box and I'm presented with two of those 12 packs unopened. I go to open a pack. Why is the packaging made from the shit filmey, plastic type that is impossible to open without send bits of Weetabix, a biscuit known for being brittle as fuck, all over the kitchen. Why not paper packing?


Exhibit 2. After pouring the milk on the Weetabix I like to sprinkle some sugar on top. Sugar pot is empty so I get a bag of sugar out of cupboard. Bags of sugar, why? Why the stupid fold on the top which somehow holds a deceiving amount of sugar, lying in wait for you to peel the fold over to fall our all of the place.


Design pricks.

You put sugar on after?



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50 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Is it bollocks. 

Why would you put the sugar on first? Surely the milk splashes the sugar off the top where it belongs. 


4 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

Steady on Bundy, what next milk in tea first?


Any further correspondence should be directed through my legal team.

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People who go the gym when on holiday. Girl I went to school with has just posted a picture on instagram saying "gym done now for the pool" from her hotel balcony. I'm not being funny like but get a life. 9am cocktails, endless food, top the tan up. That's a holiday. 

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21 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

People who go the gym when on holiday. Girl I went to school with has just posted a picture on instagram saying "gym done now for the pool" from her hotel balcony. I'm not being funny like but get a life. 9am cocktails, endless food, top the tan up. That's a holiday. 

They have gyms at festivals now. FESTIVALS!!!

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I flip my Weetabix anyway. Sugar before milk isn’t even an option. Two of them in a bowl, little splash of milk, turn them over, top up the milk to your preferred level and then sprinkle the sugar on. I don’t drown them because I like that little bit of crunch in the first couple of spoonfuls. 

Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

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7 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I flip my Weetabix anyway. Sugar before milk isn’t even an option. Two of them in a bowl, little splash of milk, turn them over, top up the milk to your preferred level and then sprinkle the sugar on. I don’t drown them because I like that little bit of crunch in the first couple of spoonfuls. 

Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense.


Im a 3 Weetabix man. 2 on the base, 1 on top, creating a Weetabix pyramid. Sugar to cover the top one and the exposed base. Fill with ice cold blue milk until the the milk is level with the top of the pyramid. Leave for a few minutes to allow milk to permeate the Weetabix and GO. 


Cant stand a crunch to my Weetabix. Id have a bowl of cornies for that.

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:


Mate, I was at the Isle of Wight festival getting a bacon roll and a load of nobheads in running gear ran past me. I was fucking gobsmacked. Utter cunts 

And if they're up running in the morning then they have not been on the lash the day/night before.


Try pulling that shite in mid 90's, they'd have bottle of piss thrown all over them, the meffs.

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2 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

And if they're up running in the morning then they have not been on the lash the day/night before.


Try pulling that shite in mid 90's, they'd have bottle of piss thrown all over them, the meffs.


I nearly tried one up but I was still pissed and would have fallen over 

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Moody fuckers on model building groups.


Posted some pics of a WW2 fighter on a group and some Eastern Europeans have proper seen their arse over the angle of certain parts and one even complained about how many rivets were on a part. Not my issue as it was a part in the kit. Weird fucker.


At least I covered the frigging swastika! Them fuckers don't.

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2 hours ago, Preston Red said:

Moody fuckers on model building groups.


Posted some pics of a WW2 fighter on a group and some Eastern Europeans have proper seen their arse over the angle of certain parts and one even complained about how many rivets were on a part. Not my issue as it was a part in the kit. Weird fucker.


At least I covered the frigging swastika! Them fuckers don't.

Does my nut in that.

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