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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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28 minutes ago, Elite said:

Waiting in for a delivery and they don't give an estimated time slot. Fucking Evri.


Got the day off and can't do fuck all until they come, which will no doubt be 8pm.

Just go out and when you get back check up the tree of the neighbours six doors down, that’s where Evri always leave mine.

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On 13/08/2023 at 11:56, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Seagulls. And I mean the proper big bastards. Noisy, greedy vermin.


Had a lovely day out by the sea, and one of them dive bombed me twice to try taking my haddock and chips. Having bravely fought him off, he had the last laugh; as I strolled along the promenade with my mint choc chic ice cream, the feathered Jaws reappeared (had to be the same one) to swipe it, leaving me with an empty cone.


Got a chocolate cone, double scoop - choc chip and mint choc chip - nearer the car park to console myself.


I know they say the removal of any animal in a food chain / ecosystem would be catastrophic, but I'd be willing to risk it for these. Wipe 'em out.

They are complete and utter bastards. The main pub in our local fishing village, Porthleven, can no longer serve food out doors as the winged cunts attack the servers as they're trying to deliver meals and they refused to do it anymore.


The only deterrent to them is to have a dog with you where you are sat but it often wont stop the feathered thugs if you're walking along.


There needs to be a gull cull

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10 minutes ago, A Red said:

They are complete and utter bastards. The main pub in our local fishing village, Porthleven, can no longer serve food out doors as the winged cunts attack the servers as they're trying to deliver meals and they refused to do it anymore.


The only deterrent to them is to have a dog with you where you are sat but it often wont stop the feathered thugs if you're walking along.


There needs to be a gull cull

How many people have deliberately fed them though, despite their being signs stating not to feed them?  They may be cunts but if humans hadn't thought, oh look that big bastard over there that usually eats fish could do with my left over chips then maybe they wouldn't nick food? 


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4 minutes ago, Pete said:

How many people have deliberately fed them though, despite their being signs stating not to feed them?  They may be cunts but if humans hadn't thought, oh look that big bastard over there that usually eats fish could do with my left over chips then maybe they wouldn't nick food? 


I was taking my lad to work yesterday, and some deranged cow had stopped her car, blocking the traffic on her side, and was walking down the middle of the road trying to usher a seagull off to the side (presumably it couldn't fly). This is the kind of stupidity we're up against and why seagulls will eventually supplant us as rulers of the Earth.

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10 minutes ago, Mudface said:


I was taking my lad to work yesterday, and some deranged cow had stopped her car, blocking the traffic on her side, and was walking down the middle of the road trying to usher a seagull off to the side (presumably it couldn't fly). This is the kind of stupidity we're up against and why seagulls will eventually supplant us as rulers of the Earth.


I often see people on local Facebook pages saying they've found an injured seagull and asking what they should do.


Clearly the correct answer is to repeatedly stamp on its head.


I absolutely hate the cunts.

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

How many people have deliberately fed them though, despite their being signs stating not to feed them?  They may be cunts but if humans hadn't thought, oh look that big bastard over there that usually eats fish could do with my left over chips then maybe they wouldn't nick food? 


I'd cull those fuckers as well

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On 14/08/2023 at 12:14, Elite said:

Waiting in for a delivery and they don't give an estimated time slot. Fucking Evri.


Got the day off and can't do fuck all until they come, which will no doubt be 8pm.

Wait until you get an email at 2:00 in the morning asking how they did.

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The wife leaving an empty toilet roll on the roll holder. If that was me, who did it, we'd have a week long inquiry and numerous questions about why I did that. It's not hard to take off the empty bog roll tube and replace it with a full one from the stack that we have in reserve in the bathroom.


Same goes for plastic recycling. It gets left on the worktop, next to the door, outside of which the blue recycling bin sits. No more than 3 steps away from the worktop.

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1 hour ago, Preston Red said:

The wife leaving an empty toilet roll on the roll holder. If that was me, who did it, we'd have a week long inquiry and numerous questions about why I did that. It's not hard to take off the empty bog roll tube and replace it with a full one from the stack that we have in reserve in the bathroom.


Same goes for plastic recycling. It gets left on the worktop, next to the door, outside of which the blue recycling bin sits. No more than 3 steps away from the worktop.

Mine does the same & she also never replaces the back ups in the basket in the bathroom.  Luckily I always check when I go for a dump if there's  spare.  She's also a pain for finishing a bottle of water/wine and leaving the empty bottle on the kitchen table, despite the indoor recycle bin being under the fucking table! 

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5 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:

I generally despise this shit but the wimmins world cup is swamped in them


Super excited for them

Super happy for her

Super nervous about it


Why don't you super shut up. 



Whatever you do, don't watch any US house renovations programmes, as is my wife's habit.

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4 hours ago, Pete said:

Mine does the same & she also never replaces the back ups in the basket in the bathroom.  Luckily I always check when I go for a dump if there's  spare.  She's also a pain for finishing a bottle of water/wine and leaving the empty bottle on the kitchen table, despite the indoor recycle bin being under the fucking table! 

I'm the same as you, there. It's a rule I live by, in that I have to check the bog rolls.

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Shit packaging.


This morning I was the victim of a double mess in the kitchen due to absolutely nonsense packaging.


Exhibit 1. I'm having weetabix for breakfast, open the box and I'm presented with two of those 12 packs unopened. I go to open a pack. Why is the packaging made from the shit filmey, plastic type that is impossible to open without send bits of Weetabix, a biscuit known for being brittle as fuck, all over the kitchen. Why not paper packing?


Exhibit 2. After pouring the milk on the Weetabix I like to sprinkle some sugar on top. Sugar pot is empty so I get a bag of sugar out of cupboard. Bags of sugar, why? Why the stupid fold on the top which somehow holds a deceiving amount of sugar, lying in wait for you to peel the fold over to fall our all of the place.


Design pricks.

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People who decide they're not going to listen to The Smiths or The Who or whatever because they disagree with one member of the band about something.


Boy who sits next to me at work went on a rant about The Smiths being shit because Morrissey is a bellend & how can anybody listen to them now. Absolutely bizarre behaviour.


I'm keeping my powder dry as his favourite band are Black Sabbath, who played Sun City in the 80s. I'm looking forward to bringing that up next time he says The Beatles are shit because Ringo uses a detergent he doesn't like.

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6 minutes ago, Mook said:

People who decide they're not going to listen to The Smiths or The Who or whatever because they disagree with one member of the band about something.


Boy who sits next to me at work went on a rant about The Smiths being shit because Morrissey is a bellend & how can anybody listen to them now. Absolutely bizarre behaviour.


I'm keeping my powder dry as his favourite band are Black Sabbath, who played Sun City in the 80s. I'm looking forward to bringing that up next time he says The Beatles are shit because Ringo uses a detergent he doesn't like.


Is it ok if I don't listen to Gary Glitter? 

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