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Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

dennis tooth

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Of our first choice 11 (whatever that is!), there really aren't that many leaders.

Skrtel is an option, but with Henderson being vice captain last season, there really was no way he wasn't going to get promoted.


I've seen in enough in Emre Can to believe he's a future captain of ours. When he plays in the middle, you can see him demanding the ball, dictating the play, and telling fellas what to do. Plus he has incredible hair.

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What the fuck's a discus got to do with it anyway, Dennis ?

It is what it is, Henderson is now the captain.  You can get your big titty lip on and throw the toys out of the pram, or you can at least give the guy a chance and get behind him.

Or you can just be a total cunt.

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Doesn't deserve it but it's done now. 

He's a bit of a wuss and I'm not surprised Rodgers gave it to him because he admires meek men who genuflect as he passes, afraid to ask him the time of day lest it be deemed subordinate.


Had very high hopes for Hendo last year but he hid behind a picture of peppa pig. Maybe over this summer he'll have grown pubes and his balls dropped so will turn out as a man against Stoke first game. 


We're fucked.

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There are no natural leaders in the squad so I assume he is the best that we have at the moment. Maybe now Gerrard has gone he will step up and be more assertive.


I do like the way he always chips away at the referee, always nagging and complaining to them during the game


Also he is immaculately groomed. Nivea will be happy with the appointment

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I think he has the personal qualities to make a great captain. He is dedicated, professional, humble, stands up for his team mates and is dignified.


I just worry about his ability to play football to the level we need.


Oh well, it's done now. Best of luck Jordan.

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It's a lot to ask of him I think, especially while he is still developing as a footballer. That said, it may bring the best out of him. A lot will depend on the team's form, if we are struggling his captaincy will come under the spotlight and the pressure on him will be significant. 

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I like Henderson, but picking a captain from our first team squad must have been like a game of Guess Who?


They need to be almost guaranteed to start - * flicks down five faces *

They need to have been here for more than a season - * flicks down four faces *

They need to not be injured all the time - * flicks down two faces *

They need to be on a long term contract - * flicks down one face *


You are... Jordan Henderson.

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It should have been Skrtel, but I can't say I give too much of a fuck. What's he got to do? Call heads or tails and shout at people a bit. 


Part of why I'd hoped it wasn't Henderson or Milner that got the role is that I don't think either deserve to be guaranteed of a starting place.

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I'm so tired of all the negativity around the club at the minute, some of it is obviously justified but people can't wait to see the worst in everything.


We've not much experience in the team and not many suitable players who will be guaranteed first teamers right now.


Is Henderson good enough? Long term probably not, certainly not in comparison to probably the greatest player we ever had who captained us, but he's got the role so people need to accept it and get behind it.


His attitude, professionalism and loyalty to the club are spot on. You could make a case for Skrtel but whoever followed Gerrard was always going to have massive boots to fill. Henderson has worked bloody hard, it's a great chance for him.

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I reckon he'll take it up another level in Gerrards absence. On reflection i think it's the best appointment that could of been made. Skrtel is a leader anyway and always has been without being the captain. Henderson seemed to grow every time Gerrard wasn't on the pitch and played a lot more Gerrard-esque passes and ran the show from midfield in his absence. 


He's also got the right character and work ethic for the role, a good role model for the British core we have here.

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Purely to sell shirts. Would have preferred Skrtel.


The missus, overhearing a conversation on the subject: "Why can't they have told everybody that whoever wants the armband has 5 games to show they deserve it? In the meantime, they could make the goalkeeper the captain."



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  • Paul changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool
  • dave u changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

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