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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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Player Valuation: £70m
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.

hmmmm.....kopite alert
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Player Valuation: £70m
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.
The RS spent pretty much the same amount. I sense an agenda.




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11 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Player Valuation: £70m
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.
The RS spent pretty much the same amount. I sense an agenda.




Utter loons. 


Tell me what do you do with Evertob fans who bring up sensible points?



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7 hours ago, Jedd Drudge said:

The level of hatred they display about us is generally the level they are hurting inside, or worse. Twisted and tormented souls they are to be pitied more than anything else. Hate is a destructive thing and the emotional costs are very high, they have more feelings for our club than they do for their own. 


I have some very good reasons to hate certain people in my life, as I am sure do many here. I don't waste my time doing that and instead prefer to share my emotions with people I care about and things I care about. Living in hate must be a sorry existence. I can't imagine that it doesn't spill over into their private lives in some way, so maybe my pity should be aimed more at those around them than actually at them.


Imagine being a very young blue who brings home a hand made Christmas card, suddenly the veins on their fathers head start to grow and the card is ripped to shreds in front of the youngster. The poor kid only went and coloured Santa in red! I have been in homes around xmas that don't have any red at all.


My nan worked as a cleaner at some posh people's house and each year they'd have a clear out of toys, when I was five she brought home a red tricycle which I imagine I got for xmas. Before my father fucked off for good, he hand painted the red tricycle from red to blue with gloss pant. I can only imagine the life I could have had with that bitter bastard around. We had very little but we didn't have abuse or hate. Something I am convinced we would have had if he hadn't fucked off. 


So I can't get too angry at their vile comments, they just disgust me. I can't get too angry at their childish and sometimes depraved memes and banners, because what you are seeing is a form of mental illness or at the very least their way of coping with it. 


What other fans would boast about new stadium plans, what other fans would be utterly convinced that a new stadium would mean world class players clambering to sign for them. What other fans would be convinced that a new stadium would mean instant titles, trophies and European success. Ask the many teams that have built new stadiums and now languish in the lower tiers how that went. And how the hell are we supposed to care about their new stadium. We have decades of amazing memories attached to Anfield, memories than most can only dream about. I've not met a red that doesn't want them to build their new stadium, although admittedly some of them believe it will bankrupt them, financially I mean as they're already morally bankrupt. 


A club that exists for no other reason than to promote hate, they don't ever challenge for anything, they don't win anything and if it wasn't for our losses they would have absolutely nothing to celebrate. At this point I feel I have to point out that football is supposed to be an escape from the pressures of life, supposed to be an entertainment and something that brings joy to your life. 


I have lost count of the times I have read people saying that some time in a lower league would be of great benefit to them. I bet that fans of Tranmere enjoy their football more than Everton fans, because while I am not suggesting everton are at the level of Tranmere, at least Tranmere fans are not deluded. Relegation might reset their expectations a little, but they'd probably find a reason to blame us or some football conspiracy when they eventually do get relegated. 


Blues point to us for all of their failings, and yet it's their own fans and club they should be taking aim at. Every half decent signing gets 45 minutes to become world class before being booed. If they do manage to rise about the Goodison boos and actually play well, they are sold on for a profit. You have more chance of winning a trophy if you leave everton, as 83 players that have left in the last 25 years will attest to. 


I must stress that this isn't all of them, every club has its fair share of wankers. One of my best friends is a blue and a nicer guy you won't ever meet. However for a fair proportion of them, being vile and disgraceful human beings is at least one thing they will beat us on every time. 




A good post in full.

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Someone put a post up of Gerrard in some Liverpool "Virtual pub" Facebook page saying he is one of, if not the best player to come from Merseyside.


You could almost hear the stampede of Evertonians rushing to comment on it. Bringing up the DJ incident and the fact that he never won the Premier League.


Despite loads of them having pictures of Big Dunc on their page and Everton never winning the Premier League.

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From the Echo-


“Everton have been sending brick samples to Bramley-Moore Dock for months as preparations for a proposed new stadium on the site continue.

A picture shared on social media over the weekend showed an example of some brickwork placed on what seemed to be the waterfront site set for the Blues' new ground.”


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55 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

From the Echo-


“Everton have been sending brick samples to Bramley-Moore Dock for months as preparations for a proposed new stadium on the site continue.

A picture shared on social media over the weekend showed an example of some brickwork placed on what seemed to be the waterfront site set for the Blues' new ground.”




Redshite, Redshite, Redshite 


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1 hour ago, Reckoner said:

From the Echo-


“Everton have been sending brick samples to Bramley-Moore Dock for months as preparations for a proposed new stadium on the site continue.

A picture shared on social media over the weekend showed an example of some brickwork placed on what seemed to be the waterfront site set for the Blues' new ground.”


Did they lose at the weekend by chance?

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16 hours ago, Jedd Drudge said:

At this point I feel I have to point out that football is supposed to be an escape from the pressures of life, supposed to be an entertainment and something that brings joy to your life. 


Jesus. I can count on one hand the amount of our games I've watched that have brought joy to my life in the past few months. Even many of our wins have been a living nightmare for me, bar the final whistle. Curtains. Behind. Hide. 


Other than that, a fine post. 

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6 hours ago, rb14 said:

Jesus. I can count on one hand the amount of our games I've watched that have brought joy to my life in the past few months. Even many of our wins have been a living nightmare for me, bar the final whistle. Curtains. Behind. Hide. 


Other than that, a fine post. 

The key there is 'last few months' can you say we've not had some of the best times of our lives over the last two decades? Now imagine nothing, nothing but hopes dashed and failure at every turn for the past twenty five years. 


On some level I really do feel for them, sometimes I think that a cup win might heal the rift that Moyes increased and used to his advantage. Then I hear them chanting 'murderers' at the ground and inside at the game and I think fuck them. 


Liverpool since 1995


League Title 2020

European Cup 2005, 2019

UEFA Cup 2001

FA Cup 2001 2006

League Cup 2001 2003 2012

Super Cup 2001 2005 2019

Fifa World Club Cup 2019


Everton Since 1995




Finished above Liverpool Cup 2005

Transfer Window Cup 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 

Premier League (October) Title 2020





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1 hour ago, Jedd Drudge said:

The key there is 'last few months' can you say we've not had some of the best times of our lives over the last two decades? 

I'm not sure whether Barcelona was the best time I've ever had at a match. And crazily, I loved Kiev too. But, I spend most of my time hiding behind the curtains when we're on telly. Even at the match, I'm usually curled up, dying inside. It's like torture.


Mind, you don't want to be anywhere near me when we score. 


Anyway, we're drifting a bit off-topic here. The obsession many Everton fans have with us is a fair reflection of the hatred I had for the red mancs over the years, so maybe I'm no better than them? Perhaps the difference is that at least we still had some successes to celebrate at the time. 

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"Asked about the impact of Covid on wider sport, a spokesman said: "Kopites are gobshites.". A spokesman for the toffees, commenting on news that the Euros may be moved back by two weeks, commented: "Red and white SHITE."





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10 hours ago, Reckoner said:

From the Echo-


“Everton have been sending brick samples to Bramley-Moore Dock for months as preparations for a proposed new stadium on the site continue.

A picture shared on social media over the weekend showed an example of some brickwork placed on what seemed to be the waterfront site set for the Blues' new ground.”



10 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:



Redshite, Redshite, Redshite 



That's a Kubrick sample. HAL 3000 Satis Odyssey Optimum.

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Horrible, horrible cunts, to a fuckin man.



If Ajax do beat the team with the greatest European record


Posted by GarenceUser Info on December 1, 2020, 11:08 am, in reply to "From Today's times"

for killing opposition fans will end up in the worthless Europa which will suddenly become important and 'more honest' than the Champions League and its fat cats who run the show.


The Klopp will get a titty lip on and cry and whinge until someone lets him win. He is one press conference away from taking his ball home the bad winner bad loser turkey teethed twat





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35 minutes ago, DalyanPete said:

Horrible, horrible cunts, to a fuckin man.



If Ajax do beat the team with the greatest European record


Posted by GarenceUser Info on December 1, 2020, 11:08 am, in reply to "From Today's times"

for killing opposition fans will end up in the worthless Europa which will suddenly become important and 'more honest' than the Champions League and its fat cats who run the show.


The Klopp will get a titty lip on and cry and whinge until someone lets him win. He is one press conference away from taking his ball home the bad winner bad loser turkey teethed twat





He does realise that even if we lost tonight we still qualify with a win in the last game?


Not a true blue if he doesn't know all the permutations of our results.

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