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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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They still haven't said how they are paying for it. Also, it's going to cost them more the longer they delay it. 


Remember when they said getting the loan off the council would be good for the city?. Nothing to do with them wanting a 7 per cent loan rather than an astronomical interest rate off an American or Chinese bank. 

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Hahaha as if he'd have ever gotten a game the cunt. If we wanted I'm he would have been here. Same goes for pretty much every single one of their players. If we had come in for Allan, Sccchhhhyemaaarrrhhhaaammez, Doucoure... they would all have picked us over them. Fucking mongrel little party billabong cunt. Punches corner flags like he's some sort of short haired De La Hoya romantic when in reality he's just a prick from the Australian equivalent of Widnes. 



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2 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

No money in this world could convince me to play for Liverpool. That's not a lack of respect for Liverpool supporters or the football club. It's respect for the Everton supporters. You just can't do that. It goes against everything that I stand for. No chance. - Tim Cahill. #EFC




To be fair, that's some CV on the screen.

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3 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

No money in this world could convince me to play for Everton. That's not a lack of respect for Everton supporters or the football club. It's respect for the Liverpool supporters. You just can't do that. It goes against everything that I stand for. No chance. - Manny. #TLW

Roughly equivalent.

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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Hahaha as if he'd have ever gotten a game the cunt. If we wanted I'm he would have been here. Same goes for pretty much every single one of their players. If we had come in for Allan, Sccchhhhyemaaarrrhhhaaammez, Doucoure... they would all have picked us over them. Fucking mongrel little party billabong cunt. Punches corner flags like he's some sort of short haired De La Hoya romantic when in reality he's just a prick from the Australian equivalent of Widnes. 



he might have got a game i reckon - his time with the shite covered the period we were signing superstars like konchesky, poulson and joe cole. he wouldn't have got into any other liverpool teams, but for a short period there while Martin Broughton was the chairman, he might have picked up an appearance or two. 

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Quite a few of them dining out on Twitter due to a tweet that ‘quotes’ a Financial Times article that states, out of 27000 season ticket holders, under 6000 have a Liverpool postcode compared to Everton 30500 seasies and 25647 with a Liverpool postcode. I’ve searched for the article and can’t find it. Another myth? 



From today’s Financial Times. Posted without comment.
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38 minutes ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Quite a few of them dining out on Twitter due to a tweet that ‘quotes’ a Financial Times article that states, out of 27000 season ticket holders, under 6000 have a Liverpool postcode compared to Everton 30500 seasies and 25647 with a Liverpool postcode. I’ve searched for the article and can’t find it. Another myth? 



From today’s Financial Times. Posted without comment.

It's been confirmed as fake as some Everton fan admitted he made it up.


That wont stop them though, that and their own survey confirming that Liverpool fans out number then 2 to 1 in the city.

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8 minutes ago, Doctor Troy said:

It's been confirmed as fake as some Everton fan admitted he made it up.


That wont stop them though, that and their own survey confirming that Liverpool fans out number then 2 to 1 in the city.

I only said yesterday about them making things up. Proper weirdos all of them. 

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7 hours ago, Doctor Troy said:

No money in this world could convince me to play for Liverpool. That's not a lack of respect for Liverpool supporters or the football club. It's respect for the Everton supporters. You just can't do that. It goes against everything that I stand for. No chance. - Tim Cahill. #EFC





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