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Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

dennis tooth

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Fair point, faced with this crisis, Id hold up an envelope to the players and tell them that the name of the captain is in it and it will be revealed at the end of season prior to the end of season player name in an envelope awards where the betrayer of the year award and young betrayer if the year awards will be announced.

Ian ayre could lick the stamps. The mystery of my ways would set the arrogant millionaires back and theyd run through walls for me only to be undone by tim sherwood and stoke gangrapes.


Chris there would be envelopes everywhere, what with all the "Mum's Letters" as well

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Hyppia was our best captain. A captain should embody the ethos of the club and exude confidence and control, Henderson doesn't really do any of that for me, but neither does anyone else there.


Wasn't Sami made captain, then his form dipped dramatically so he relinquished it.  He got his form back and took the captaincy again?  I'm sure I remember that.


I'm not denigrating him in any way: he was a good player that I have always liked a lot.  But I'm sure he couldn't handle being captain first time around?

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I see this behaviour everyday in offices that I've worked in. 'Decent' workers getting the nod from the boss cos they put the hours in and don't rock the boat etc...


I like HENDO don't get me wrong but he ain't captain material ... Yet?


Give it to Martin

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Ready salted Horrenderson.


I know at least one other former forumite who will be having a fit over this.


Yep. Somewhere, some fucking shithouse who works for the s*n is imploding with rage. Good. I hope the OP joins him soon.

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He's a good pro and has been among our best performers so is an obvious candidate.

Its pretty evident we are only a top 6 side at present so expecting a Hansen/Hughes etc quality of appointment is simply stupid as we havent got many decent players in the first place. I also believe that whoever is captain wont make any,or much,difference to whether we win anything or not at the moment.

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Captain material doesn't really mean much in 2015. You look through the list of PL captains and that scumbag Terry is the only name that really sticks out. To be a captain these days you probably just need to shout a lot and be sound to the young players coming through.

Henderson ticks both boxes and he's a model professional and by all accounts, a bloody good bloke. Happy for him, I think it'll give him the world of good.

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  • Paul changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool
  • dave u changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

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