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Pureblood last won the day on April 22 2020

Pureblood had the most liked content!

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  1. I think that concludes the questions and a pleasant day all round. Thanks for having me today and maybe one day our paths will cross again, who knows? I'll leave you with a song.
  2. As a pureblood I've never felt better. I haven't been assessed for any mental illness. Everyone is a bit of a cunt sometimes, it's what makes the world go around. I wouldn't rule out being a cunt or mentally ill, put it that way.
  3. Some good questions coming in, time for one more I think.
  4. Still taking questions on the floor. Any topic answered, even Darwin Nunez.
  5. I'm going to stop posting here at midnight. Mogwai rules apply. You've got me for half an hour. Any questions?
  6. How about you lot go off to the loon thread and I get to stay here? It's only fair, given that most of the stuff our side predicted turned out to be true and all the mainstream stuff turned out to be bollocks.
  7. Who else is excited to be getting the new Covid "Super Jab" coming out of Australia? Lifelong protection! https://7news.com.au/sunrise/aussie-researchers-developing-super-jab-to-protect-against-new-covid-19-variants-c-7554856 Aussie researchers developing ‘super jab’ to protect against new COVID-19 variants Australian researchers are racing for a vaccine to protect against future variants - so will it be enough to protect you for the rest of your life? What we are looking at doing is combining some key features of existing variants that we have seen as well as looking at viruses that circulate in nature and working out a way to combine those into a single component,” she said. “Then that will go into a vaccine and be able to train your immune system to recognise and fight all of these different variants, and therefore hopefully protect us against any future variants that emerge.”
  8. Nice move! I counter with:- *SPINNING BIRD KICK*
  9. That's fighting talk that is. *HADOUKEN*
  10. More of an orange creme guy?
  11. How about if I post for the rest of tonight and fuck off tomorrow? We can have some sort of plea bargain.
  12. Sorry, that was a new low even for me. I meant toffee.
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