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Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

dennis tooth

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For me Henderson is only a decent player that shouldn't be guaranteed a start. He's a fucking charisma vacuum too, can't see him giving too many inspirational speeches. He's hardly inspiring with his play or even courage on the ball.


If there was no obvious leader i'd of just given it to wee Phil. Fights as hard as anyone and is the only player that is always taking the initiative, none of this passing the responsibility nonsense like you get with Henderson.

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Henderson is a good lad and has a lot of the characteristics of a captain. I'm not worried about that side of him at all, I do worry about his quality however. 


I'm hoping he does a bit less pointing this season and a bit more scoring of goals. 

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Henderson is a good lad and has a lot of the characteristics of a captain. I'm not worried about that side of him at all, I do worry about his quality however. 


I'm hoping he does a bit less pointing this season and a bit more scoring of goals. 


I think this is very unfair!


No captain has ever appealed for a throw-in better than our Jordan

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Emre Can will be captain by the time he's 24 providing he stays put. First thing he did when he came on was take control of the midfield shouting at people where they need to be. German U21 captain too.

Being shouted at and told where to stand in a German accent is a very intimidating situation. Maybe Rodgers is planning on conquering Europe this season?
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I thought our injury record was appalling last season. Now barely into the season we've lost Henderson, Allen and Lallana. Henderson's doesn't look to be a knock, either.


It's odd losing Henderson as his fitness record has been good but you always expect Lallana and Allen to be out with a cold or something. They just like to keep Sturridge company I think.

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  • Paul changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool
  • dave u changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

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