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Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

dennis tooth

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  • 2 weeks later...



So if Brendan hadn't lost the dressing room Jordan what you are really saying is that we are just plain shit as a team and squad, and one that is now worth in the region of £350m? Some expensive shit that Jordan.

You're smarter than this mate.

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kirkyred1, earlier:




kirkbyred1: Personally, I think they're for pussies and faggots! Now these...are Vietnam jungle boots. Cost half as much, last twice as long and are great...for stomping queers!


Stig: Just the cheeseboard please, mate.


kirkbyred1: Take it easy, Mary. We're the same, you and me. We're the same. Don't you see?


Stig: We are not the same. I'm a Sales Manager, you're a fucking crayon.


kirkbyred1: What kind of vigilante are you?


Stig: I'm not a vigilante. I'm just trying to get home with a chinese takeaway, and if everybody will stay out of my way, not chew with their mouths open, not read my paper, not read their paper, not drink protein shakes in public, not talk, not look at me, not look away from me, not stand, not sit, not walk, not blink and not breathe, nobody will get hurt. Oh yeah, and that bags on seats shit. ESPECIALLY that.

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kirkyred1, earlier:


Posted Image


kirkbyred1: Personally, I think they're for pussies and faggots! Now these...are Vietnam jungle boots. Cost half as much, last twice as long and are great...for stomping queers!


Stig: Just the cheeseboard please, mate.


kirkbyred1: Take it easy, Mary. We're the same, you and me. We're the same. Don't you see?


Stig: We are not the same. I'm a Sales Manager, you're a fucking crayon.


kirkbyred1: What kind of vigilante are you?


Stig: I'm not a vigilante. I'm just trying to get home with a chinese takeaway, and if everybody will stay out of my way, not chew with their mouths open, not read my paper, not read their paper, not drink protein shakes in public, not talk, not look at me, not look away from me, not stand, not sit, not walk, not blink and not breathe, nobody will get hurt. Oh yeah, and that bags on seats shit. ESPECIALLY that.

That is brilliant

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Paul changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool
  • dave u changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

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