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Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

dennis tooth

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I think he is fucking ace. What do you nobs want? Some tit with a hairband?


Someone with bottle, Roy Keane-like. Someone who will give it back when one of our players gets done. Like Sterling was against Chelsea, and nobody did a fucking thing.

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A couple of thoughts:


He suffers because of proximity to the last captain. Stevie was one of the best ever, so it's really hard to follow that. 


He is a very good professional. He has the right attitude, works hard and is no trouble. 


He is a good player. We dont appreciate this enough. We had a bad season last time round and the team shape was all over the place. It was difficult for anyone to shine. But we've seen enough of Henderson in a Liverpool shirt to know he can play. What remains to be seen is whether he can find another level. I think he will.


Who else? Two possibles. Milner - but he's only just arrived. Skrtel - but you get the sense that he might not be Brendan's first choice if the other central defenders can stay fit and find form. I wouldn't have been sad about Skrtel being captain, but I think he will be vice captain. Can is one for the future. He is a leader, no doubt about that. But as a footballer he needs to get games in his best position and establish himself further.


Final point is captaincy in general. What does the captain do exactly? There's probably some off pitch stuff with sponsors, at least a bit more than the average player. So you need someone with good character and professionalism. But on the pitch, what do they do? Gee the lads up when it's tough? Back up team mates if they are in a scrape? Henderson does this stuff and I think he will grow into it more, but I suspect we are overdoing the importance of the role of captain.

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Someone with bottle, Roy Keane-like. Someone who will give it back when one of our players gets done. Like Sterling was against Chelsea, and nobody did a fucking thing.


Skrtel's the nearest we have to that. I'd have given it to him for a couple of seasons.


Even last season, Gerrard was our only player to stand up to Costa when he started pulling his shite. (And this should probably be in an amnesty thread, but I'd kill for a tramp/cartoon villain like Costa to play for us.)


Like a lot of players, Henderson seemed to abdicate responsiblity when Gerrard was playing, so we'll see how things go without that safety blanket. He's ranged from anonymous to fantastic and back again over his time so far with us, so I'm not sure anybody can predict how he'll perform.


He's not a hard man and never will be, so there's no point in fooling ourselves that he'll evolve into one. Doesn't mean he can't be a good captain though.

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Lets hope mario doesnt take the armband off him, heads in the sandman sadsack, our run of great captains i mean we all hated paul ince but at least he had stature england capt and ex inter etc, this lad is ending our tradition as we become just another shit team, the mancs are signing sweinsteiger porksword and john henry is prostrate with his finger up his arse the tight fingered get pushing pennies up there so no one can get them.

Hendo is up their with fabian delph and tom cleverly the big useless lump of shit

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Skitell has just been mouthing of about his contract. What the fuck do you pricks want?

This is a young international, best in his position, has a bit of balls , committed to the club.

Are you serious over the Skrtel shite?


My main problem with him being captain is epitomised in one single moment, the penalty incident with Balotelli, a strong captain/character would have just fucked Balotelli off there. He didn't and that for me shows him being a bit weak, Balotelli is a big character and probably quite intimidating but do you think the likes of Gerrard or Carregher would have allowed that to happen? And that's got fuck all to do with their talent before anyone mentions Gerrard being our best player and an unfair comparison, it's just to do with how strong they appear.

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Are you serious over the Skrtel shite?


My main problem with him being captain is epitomised in one single moment, the penalty incident with Balotelli, a strong captain/character would have just fucked Balotelli off there. He didn't and that for me shows him being a bit weak, Balotelli is a big character and probably quite intimidating but do you think the likes of Gerrard or Carregher would have allowed that to happen? And that's got fuck all to do with their talent before anyone mentions Gerrard being our best player and an unfair comparison, it's just to do with how strong they appear.


Possibly, or another way to look at it is Henderson played the situation perfectly and didn't make a bigger scene on the pitch than was necessary, which would have been all over the press and reflected poorly on the club. Balotelli stepped up and scored the penalty so it was much ado about nothing. Henderson could have had an unseemly spat with him but he didn't. 


Sometimes leadership stands and fights. Sometimes it smooths a difficult situation over. The penalty incident was more of the latter for me, and it was the right approach. A bigger incident was avoided, the penalty was converted, and we moved on. 

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It should have been Skrtel, but I can't say I give too much of a fuck. What's he got to do? Call heads or tails and shout at people a bit.


Part of why I'd hoped it wasn't Henderson or Milner that got the role is that I don't think either deserve to be guaranteed of a starting place.

Agreed, I'm still not convinced Henderson should be starting for us every week let alone captain the team, Skrtel would have been my choice.

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Can you think of a candidate we have that isn't easy to pick apart, Dennis?

Fair point, faced with this crisis, Id hold up an envelope to the players and tell them that the name of the captain is in it and it will be revealed at the end of season prior to the end of season player name in an envelope awards where the betrayer of the year award and young betrayer if the year awards will be announced.

Ian ayre could lick the stamps. The mystery of my ways would set the arrogant millionaires back and theyd run through walls for me only to be undone by tim sherwood and stoke gangrapes.

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The wait and see approach we got with the owl, mario, borini and all the other shit that turned out to be shit.

Why don't you phone Brendan and tell him how you feel ?  I'm sure he'll immediately re-consider because you've got a hard on about it.

It's done, it's not about to be changed in a hurry, deal with it.

He's not everybody's choice, but the armband is his now until someone steps up to a bigger plate.

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Why don't you phone Brendan and tell him how you feel ?  I'm sure he'll immediately re-consider because you've got a hard on about it.

It's done, it's not about to be changed in a hurry, deal with it.

He's not everybody's choice, but the armband is his now until someone steps up to a bigger plate.


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He's not everybody's choice, but the armband is his now until someone steps up to a bigger plate.


I doubt the latter part would ever happen, at least not without selling him on.


Look, if being captain is merely ceremonial, as some people suggest - than why Henderson? Why not Kolo, who has actually won something, or Skrtel, or Lallana? There's no local lad available, which is why Kenny gave it up, if I remember right, so minus any compelling reason then there's hardly a need to even congratulate him, let alone get behind him.


Graham Souness was our best captain because no one would dare quit on him or let him down without hearing about it. Even Gerrard never had that - witness the collapse last year. Who can compel and inspire the players to play out of their shirts - that's what a captain's for, imo.

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Henderson wasn't many peoples first choice - my issue is his general lack of courage and leadership, and his apparent lack of understanding of the game in play. Im not sure he has the respect of the other players either. But, but, he's got it now, so perhaps we need to let him get on with it. It's another decision that Brendan will stand or fall by.


It's indicative of where the club is right now, just like Mcallister a appointment.


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No better or worse than having Redknapp as captain. The problem isn't who the captain is, a commercial appointment as much as anything, it's who the leaders are.


Our most senior players, Skrtel and Lucas may carry the respect of their team mates but they don't have the mentality to carry the weight of the squad. Whether Henderson does remains to be seen but at least his boy band hair will shift a bit of Nivea lube in the mean time.


I actually think that between Sakho, Henderson, Can and Milner there is some strong character but it needs to come to fruition now more than ever.

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  • Paul changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool
  • dave u changed the title to Jordan Henderson, MBE: World Club Cup, European Cup, European Super Cup, Premier League, FA Cup, League Cup & Charity Shield Winning Captain of Liverpool (and massive sellout)

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