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Chief of Station - 2/10. Aaron Eckhardt and Olga Kurylenko used to have actual careers. This is straight-to-video crap. Either they ran out of money to film all of the script, or they’ve cut it so heavily that at times it causes a jarring jump in the story. Anyway, swerve.



Godzilla Minus One - 8/10. Enjoyed this. An interesting film set in the years after Japan’s WWII surrender. Godzilla is an animalistic force of nature only interested in carving out territory (and if a few human cities have to be trashed to do it then so be it). However the film spends more time with the humans and explores themes of traditional Japanese ideas of duty, honour, shame, family, and obedience, and how the lowest classes of Japanese society may not have agreed with them. And it’s all the better for it.

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Land of Bad


First thing that popped up on Amazon prime and I couldn’t be bothered fannying around for half an hour looking for something else to watch so just went with it.

A delta force team are sent into the Philippine jungles to rescue a CIA asset whose been captured but things start to go wrong when they hit the site.

Surprisingly, this was quite good. The always excellent Russell Crowe turns up again but the support cast were all good too. Esp for this type of film.


im gonna be generous and give this a 7.8/ 10.

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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Superb. Best British gangster film for me.


I picked up a copy of the screenplay a few years ago for £1.95 with a great introduction by the screenwriter. When I looked on ebay to see if there were any books on the making of the film, the cheapest I saw it for was £50, which is nuts. I think there'd be a market for a book about Long Good Friday.. Really interesting that in the introduction he's talking about Hoskins, the producer, director and himself had a perfect sequel lined up and hoped to go into production 1985.

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8 hours ago, Sut said:


I picked up a copy of the screenplay a few years ago for £1.95 with a great introduction by the screenwriter. When I looked on ebay to see if there were any books on the making of the film, the cheapest I saw it for was £50, which is nuts. I think there'd be a market for a book about Long Good Friday.. Really interesting that in the introduction he's talking about Hoskins, the producer, director and himself had a perfect sequel lined up and hoped to go into production 1985.

I'd have loved to have seen a sequel but you know how they sometimes go. Still a superb film.

'The Mafia? I've shit 'em.'

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Zone of interest. About the Hoss family living next to Aushwhitz. Tried to be a bit arty but was really dull. 

Yeah I struggled with it. Boy in the striped pyjamas it isn’t. 

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1 hour ago, SasaS said:


I was just about to download it, now I am nervous.


Please tell me it's nothing like that Korean crap some of you like so much.

Godzilla has great child-bearing hips. Beyond that make your own mind up.

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On 05/05/2024 at 11:56, Sut said:


I picked up a copy of the screenplay a few years ago for £1.95 with a great introduction by the screenwriter. When I looked on ebay to see if there were any books on the making of the film, the cheapest I saw it for was £50, which is nuts. I think there'd be a market for a book about Long Good Friday.. Really interesting that in the introduction he's talking about Hoskins, the producer, director and himself had a perfect sequel lined up and hoped to go into production 1985.


Ever seen this mate -



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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - 6/10. Ok, but the villain is a bit meh, and it was like they were trying to shoehorn too many fan-pleasing references into it, rather than working on a better storyline.

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