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Civil War


Just back from the pictures, really enjoyed this.


Some excellent acting, the cinematography and direction top notch.


Best of all though was the sound design which was just incredible, right up there with Heat for the most shocking and exhilarating that I've ever experienced in the cinema.


I thought Zero Dark Thirty was a better overall film, but still worth an 8/10

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On 13/04/2024 at 22:47, Special K said:

That, to me, was the point of the film. They even say it explicitly. The journos aren't there to take sides, just to give you the information to make a decision.


It's interesting that there's no definite 'good guys' in the film.


The war was just a backdrop 

Absolute  nap that's trump in 3 years time

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The second part of that Rebel Moon bollocks. Why are some people mad on zack snyder?


They should discuss his stuff on film and writing courses, he's an absolute tour de force in how NOT to build characters.


If he'd written the first Star Wars, instead of action interspersed by scenes and dialogue which establish character, the first half of the film would consist of all the characters sat around a table going, "who are you?", "I'm Han Solo, lovable rogue with a heart of gold. Shy who's this Darth Vader? Rumour has it he was Anakin Skywalker and is conflicted over his loyalty to the emperor and love of his son?" 


"By the way, the empire is evil."


"Yes I've heard that too."

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16 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:

Requiem for a Dream.


Fuckinell. Bleak but brilliant. 

Can’t remember if I’ve seen this. 

A quick look on IMDB tells me that insufferable nonce Jarod Leto is in it, so I’ll just check out the below mentioned Connelly scene. 

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17 hours ago, Section_31 said:

The second part of that Rebel Moon bollocks. Why are some people mad on zack snyder?


They should discuss his stuff on film and writing courses, he's an absolute tour de force in how NOT to build characters.

I agree, he’s shit. 

He is every film hes ever directed ranked on Metacritic. The best is his first film, a remake, 20 years ago…




Staggered Army Of The Dead ranks so highly, I thought it was dreadful. 

Although a shot for shot copy of the book (until the last 20 mins), IMO, Watchman was good.

Man Of Steel had its moments, although they were on Krypton. 

Justice League Snyder Cut was passable, although the most interesting bits were the epilogue‘s at the end, which had no  bearing on the actual movie I’d just watched and we likely significantly more interesting than any of the sequels they’d be part of would have been. 

I do wonder how he convinced Warner Bros to virtually give him unlimited funds and A list casts to build the DC Universe and given the failure of that, how he convinced Netflix to give him the money to make 2 of the most expensive movies ever made. 

Snyder’s films look good and have decent set pieces, his story’s and characters are terrible. The sci-fi Michael Bay. 


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45 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I do wonder how he convinced Warner Bros to virtually give him unlimited funds and A list casts to build the DC Universe and given the failure of that, how he convinced Netflix to give him the money to make 2 of the most expensive movies ever made. 


Snyder’s films look good and have decent set pieces, his story’s and characters are terrible. The sci-fi Michael Bay. 



His films are shallow and flashy, but they generally make good money- https://www.the-numbers.com/person/134500401-Zack-Snyder#tab=technical&all_technical_credits=oa2


After his more recent disasters though, I doubt he'll be given such budgets again.

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