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Breaker Morant


Another from 1980, and another great film.


Three Australian(ish) soldiers face a British kangaroo court during the Boer War.


I remember it as being quite slanted, but it actually does an excellent job of showing the moral ambiguity of both sides of the trial, and the war at large.

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7 hours ago, SasaS said:

Tarantino is the most important American film maker of the '90s. Possibly even a bit longer. For independents - no question. Weinstein's bathrobe would have seen much less action without his success. 


Not a Coen brothers fan? 

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28 minutes ago, Total Longo said:


Same, don't understand why OUATIH was so underrated, the attention to detail and cinematography are second to none. 

Abbreviating is awful when it comes to Tarantino films. If you want attention to detail watch Pulp Fiction 100 times and the 102nd time you watch it you’ll still notice something new 

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On 02/04/2024 at 19:55, polymerpunkah said:

Breaker Morant


Another from 1980, and another great film.


Three Australian(ish) soldiers face a British kangaroo court during the Boer War.


I remember it as being quite slanted, but it actually does an excellent job of showing the moral ambiguity of both sides of the trial, and the war at large.

An absolute classic and an all time favourite of mine.

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18 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Abbreviating is awful when it comes to Tarantino films. If you want attention to detail watch Pulp Fiction 100 times and the 102nd time you watch it you’ll still notice something new 

Oh i agree, most Tarantino films are like that, but just look at the background when Brad Pitt is driving along The Strip, for example. The attention to detail is quite ridiculous.  

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On 31/03/2024 at 08:43, Mook said:

I took the bairns to see the new Godzilla film, fucking Hell it was brutal.


-1/10 because they don't even put eye candy in this shite for the Dads & it was also too loud for me to sleep through.


The kids liked it although they also think The Rock is cooler than Clint Eastwood.

Mine chose the new Ghostbusters. Went last night. 

We saw the first Paul Rudd/Finn Wolfhard one when it came out and I thought it was pretty shit. I knew nothing about this second one going on and I was pleasantly surprised. Proper nostalgia. Waaay better than the first effort. 

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On 02/04/2024 at 11:43, Bjornebye said:

Emily the Criminal. 6/10


Always nice to see Aubrey Plaza. It’s worth a watch, doubt you’d watch it again but a decent enough storyline about her being skint then falling into a world of credit card theft. Juice from Sons of Anarchy is in it as well. 

6 ? - bit harsh I'd give it an easy 8

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Up The Junction (1968)


Dennis Waterman as Peter the torn faced Mod, dreaming of a life of fast cars & fancy restaurants meets Polly, the daughter of a rich Chelsea lawyer. Some really funny dialogue in this & nice clobber too but it is very much of its time. 6.5/10

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31 minutes ago, sir roger said:

Watched ' Nobody ' again on C4, really enjoyed it. Very cartoon violent, but with a bit of humour throughout, Bob Odenkirk is a very likeable Everyman type character and Connie Neilsson is gorgeous.

Plus YNWA being in it pisses every non-red off something fierce.

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Bob Marley film 


Enjoyed it, thought it could have been done better but it’s easy for me to say. Sometimes I watch these type of films based on real life and think they’d be better as a series than cramming it into a few hours of movie. Corrupted by the Netflix era I guess. 


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13 hours ago, Mook said:



A bit of a mad sprawling epic this, it managed to keep me engaged for over 3hrs although I'm not sure I'll ever need to watch it again. The part with Toby Maguire was fucking weird.


Did you like the score?

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38 minutes ago, Mook said:


Aye, the trumpet playing really stood out.


I'll need to have a look at who was involved...


Film was fascinating but ultimately flawed, the music on the other hand perfectly complements it. I've been listening to the soundtrack quite a lot since. Strange that this guy apparently only works with Chazelle. And that he also wrote for the Curb - scripts, not music. 

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56 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Film was fascinating but ultimately flawed, the music on the other hand perfectly complements it. I've been listening to the soundtrack quite a lot since. Strange that this guy apparently only works with Chazelle. And that he also wrote for the Curb - scripts, not music. 


I did think the music was a bit 'hot' for 1928 but yes, it was great and I'll have a listen to the soundtrack this week.


I've not really made my mind up about the film, I enjoyed it but it was a bit of a mess really, maybe overly ambitious.

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