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9 hours ago, Leyton388 said:

Hell house LLC. 


Found footage horror and honestly one of the best I've seen. I'd give it a solid 8/10. Even the sequals are good. 


I'd recommend people give it a go. 

Good film that, surprised me.


There are a couple of follow on films but I only managed about 15 minutes of the next one.

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On 16/05/2024 at 19:50, VladimirIlyich said:

Decided to go back and watch some of my favourites.


The Godfather 8.5/10. Seemed way too short given the sequel was 3 hours plus.


The Godfather 2 9.5/10.

A masterpiece.

First one was only 5 minutes short of 3 hours. I can't split them myself.

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Ghosts of War.


Weird film, starts really well as a haunted house type film but goes off in a unforseen direction in the final quarter which spoils it imo.


Five US WW2 soldiers out in France are sent to guard a house in the countryside, when they arrive the team they're taking over from seem very keen to leave. As the team settle I to the house they beginto feel all is not right.


The acting is fine, with a few familiar faces  it's well shot and interesting  in parts but as I said, that ending.

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2 hours ago, manwiththestick said:

Good film that, surprised me.


There are a couple of follow on films but I only managed about 15 minutes of the next one.


Yeah I went into it not expecting much but it turned out to be really good. The clowns are creepy as fuck and some proper boss jump scares. 



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The Football Fraudster - 7/10. Netflix doc about Medi Abalimba. Little shit who caused a lot of hurt to people. Would love his former team mate to catch up with him someday. I reckon he’ll get a kicking down a back alley somewhere.

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Assassin’s creed - the always excellent Fassbender does his best in a movie that would have been far better off being made as one film rather than trying to squeeze a sequel out of it with 20 mins to go.


Knights Templar using technology to tap into 14th century fassbender, (the knights age old rival from the assassins creed) into trying to steal the apple Adam & Eve took a bite out of to make sure they control everyone’s free will 

Good movie here, sadly not in this. 6/10


Logan - loved this when it first came out but couldn’t remember a thing about.


Was even better than I thought. What a great movie. Jackman giving one of the best acting performances I’ve seen in years.   9/10

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6 hours ago, Red74 said:

Logan - loved this when it first came out but couldn’t remember a thing about.


Was even better than I thought. What a great movie. Jackman giving one of the best acting performances I’ve seen in years.   9/10

Brilliant film, I thought Patrick Stewart and Stephen Merchant were excellent too, honourable mentions to Dafne Keen and Richard E Grant.

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2 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Brilliant film, I thought Patrick Stewart and Stephen Merchant were excellent too, honourable mentions to Dafne Keen and Richard E Grant.

Fully agree. Not one bad performance from any of them. This is how to tell a story. 

I’ve read up on it since and they say it’s a stand alone story, but is there anything out there in other movies / media that explains what happened at the school that they’ve used for this film? Wouldn’t mind seeing that tale be told. 

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1 hour ago, Red74 said:

Fully agree. Not one bad performance from any of them. This is how to tell a story. 

I’ve read up on it since and they say it’s a stand alone story, but is there anything out there in other movies / media that explains what happened at the school that they’ve used for this film? Wouldn’t mind seeing that tale be told. 

Not that I've seen or read about. Most like in the comics to be fair, but comics aren't my bag.

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Wonderland. Haven't seen this since it came out. It feels like it could have been a much better film. Val Kilmer is decent, 6/10


Rolling Thunder. 1977 Vietnam vets in revenge mission against a gang Mexican of scumbags. Enjoyable enough but very dated, 6/10

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On 17/05/2024 at 05:00, Lurtz said:

Eden Lake


No idea how I've not seen this before. Grim as fuck in many places but a rather enjoyable watch. 7 stabby chavs out of 10. 


It's alright, but I can't let it pass without discussion of it demonising the working class.


The whole premise of the horror genre is that our decent, upstanding main characters are senselessly attacked by an external "other", a monster, a force that they can't understand or reason with.


Eden Lake is basically warning the middle classes to avoid working class people.


In the plus column, it's British.  In the minus, it is telling people to hate those smelly commoners.


If you ask who the film is talking to, it's Daily Mail readers.


As Owen Jones said, modern culture, via films like this, turn the working class from salt of the earth to scum of the earth.

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45 minutes ago, razor said:


It's alright, but I can't let it pass without discussion of it demonising the working class.


The whole premise of the horror genre is that our decent, upstanding main characters are senselessly attacked by an external "other", a monster, a force that they can't understand or reason with.


Eden Lake is basically warning the middle classes to avoid working class people.


In the plus column, it's British.  In the minus, it is telling people to hate those smelly commoners.


If you ask who the film is talking to, it's Daily Mail readers.


As Owen Jones said, modern culture, via films like this, turn the working class from salt of the earth to scum of the earth.

See also Deliverance 

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7 hours ago, razor said:


It's alright, but I can't let it pass without discussion of it demonising the working class.


The whole premise of the horror genre is that our decent, upstanding main characters are senselessly attacked by an external "other", a monster, a force that they can't understand or reason with.


Eden Lake is basically warning the middle classes to avoid working class people.


In the plus column, it's British.  In the minus, it is telling people to hate those smelly commoners.


If you ask who the film is talking to, it's Daily Mail readers.


As Owen Jones said, modern culture, via films like this, turn the working class from salt of the earth to scum of the earth.


Yeah but you're basing that on being a normal middle-class couple v a normal working class set. That's absolutely not what it is though. It's a normal middle-class couple v the absolute violent dregs. Not the working class in general. 

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8 hours ago, razor said:


It's alright, but I can't let it pass without discussion of it demonising the working class.


The whole premise of the horror genre is that our decent, upstanding main characters are senselessly attacked by an external "other", a monster, a force that they can't understand or reason with.


Eden Lake is basically warning the middle classes to avoid working class people.


In the plus column, it's British.  In the minus, it is telling people to hate those smelly commoners.


If you ask who the film is talking to, it's Daily Mail readers.


As Owen Jones said, modern culture, via films like this, turn the working class from salt of the earth to scum of the earth.


A message surely to fall on deaf ears.

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Jimmy Stewart and an imaginary six-foot-tall rabbit named Harvey.


Wonderul movie.


Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.

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