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The Dry


How come I've never heard of this before?


Fantastic and compelling Aussie murder mystery, starting the always brilliant Eric Bana and our mate Matt Nable from Mr Inbetween.


A family slaughter in a small outback town, an outcast returned, and the mystery of a decades old murder, all seem intertwined.


The acting, right across the board, is seriously top notch.


Loved this unknown gem.



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5 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

The Dry


How come I've never heard of this before?


Fantastic and compelling Aussie murder mystery, starting the always brilliant Eric Bana and our mate Matt Nable from Mr Inbetween.


A family slaughter in a small outback town, an outcast returned, and the mystery of a decades old murder, all seem intertwined.


The acting, right across the board, is seriously top notch.


Loved this unknown gem.



I rated it on here a while back. Fuck knows what I gave it but I enjoyed it. 

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On 04/05/2024 at 22:00, Red74 said:



watched this again last night for the first time since it came out. Still stands up now and the influence it had on us is clear as day.


just one thing. I’m convinced when I first watched this back in the day the real John Henry played himself when he meets up with billy bean. However, in this version he’s played by some weird lookalike. Have I completely made this up or was the real J dubya Henry never in it in the first place?  

Other than that.  8/10 pitts brilliant in this 

John Henry was played by Nelson Mandela; quite effectively.

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Took the youngest to see The Fall Guy earlier.


Lacks the charm of the TV series, but it was reasonably enjoyable nonsense.

The homage to numerous other tv shows/films was nice to watch, the soundtrack decent, and I enjoyed the final credits when it showed how the stunts were done. 

7/10 for the film.


100/10 for Emily Blunt. 

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1 minute ago, YorkshireRed said:

Took the youngest to see The Fall Guy earlier.


Lacks the charm of the TV series, but it was reasonably enjoyable nonsense.

The homage to numerous other tv shows/films was nice to watch, the soundtrack decent, and I enjoyed the final credits when it showed how the stunts were done. 

7/10 for the film.


100/10 for Emily Blunt. 

Yeah, decent watch but not something I'd watch again. Better than that Argyle shite, which is a similar genre 

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On 08/05/2024 at 03:57, Carvalho Diablo said:

The Dry


How come I've never heard of this before?


Fantastic and compelling Aussie murder mystery, starting the always brilliant Eric Bana and our mate Matt Nable from Mr Inbetween.


A family slaughter in a small outback town, an outcast returned, and the mystery of a decades old murder, all seem intertwined.


The acting, right across the board, is seriously top notch.


Loved this unknown gem.



There's also a sequel "Force of Nature - The Dry 2". It's on my to watch list.

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1 hour ago, Evelyn Tentions said:

There's also a sequel "Force of Nature - The Dry 2". It's on my to watch list.


Yup, watched it mate.


Another good set up with Bana, again excellent, but this time there's a gaggle of annoying bitches who cannot act for shit.


Should've been called "The Wet".


Not a patch on the original. 5/10



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On 09/05/2024 at 09:31, Sut said:

Mona Lisa. 8/10.

School for Scoundrels. 10


In various situations, I actually use a line from each of these brilliant films:


Bob Hoskins: "You cow!"


Terry-Thomas: "Hard cheese...!"


In each case, it's the way they are said that makes them brilliant.


Just a mad coincidence you have just watched them both.

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The Final: Attack on Wembley. No review score because I’m fucking livid. I wish I hadn’t watched it.


Some fucking Man U cunt who admits to breaching past stewards and ‘rolling over’ people being crushed on the ground to get in. Them says he isn’t ashamed of what he did and tries to excuse it on ministers breaching lockdown. What about Hillsborough? Or is the death of 97 people who were crushed in completely dissimilar circumstances not enough to make you stop and think how you deliberately put lives at risk you selfish, evil, ridiculous haired twat?


Also goes far too easy on the authorities who neither anticipated nor reacted to what was clearly happening on front of them. Totally wrong set up from the start. Not a single independent safety interview in the whole documentary.

I’m fucking fuming after everything our fans have been through and the shit we take from others.

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On 11/05/2024 at 10:28, Anubis said:

The Final: Attack on Wembley. No review score because I’m fucking livid. I wish I hadn’t watched it.


Some fucking Man U cunt who admits to breaching past stewards and ‘rolling over’ people being crushed on the ground to get in. Them says he isn’t ashamed of what he did and tries to excuse it on ministers breaching lockdown. What about Hillsborough? Or is the death of 97 people who were crushed in completely dissimilar circumstances not enough to make you stop and think how you deliberately put lives at risk you selfish, evil, ridiculous haired twat?


Also goes far too easy on the authorities who neither anticipated nor reacted to what was clearly happening on front of them. Totally wrong set up from the start. Not a single independent safety interview in the whole documentary.

I’m fucking fuming after everything our fans have been through and the shit we take from others.

Felt the same watching it.

It was just a really fucking depressing watch, seeing people justifying acting like selfish cunts and putting others at risk.

Not really having any remorse dressed up almost as “having a laugh on the beers”….etc


State of this country though, the absolute fucking pond life cunts. 




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On 11/05/2024 at 13:43, redheart said:

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.... quite good but a bit long 7.5/10


24 minutes ago, NoelM said:

Yes, saw it today, I enjoyed it but way too long.


Agreed. I think 7.5 is fair, it would have been less but finished very strongly. It's done enough to peak my interest in the inevitable sequel.

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1 hour ago, Elite said:



Agreed. I think 7.5 is fair, it would have been less but finished very strongly. It's done enough to peak my interest in the inevitable sequel.


Definitely,a really good series. In preperation for it, my son and I rewatched all the recent reboot movies, Rise, Dawn and War plus the original Charlton Heston one. I was really surprised at how taken with the original my (17 year old) son was. He was remarking today on some of the homages - the scarecrow crosses and the music were straight from the original.

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Contact - 8.5/10.

What a good film this is. Feels like a companion piece to Interstellar, or rather the other way round as Contact was made in 1997 - explores similar themes, and features Matthew McConaughey though Jodie Foster is the star of the show.  I haven't seen it for years, probably soon after it was originally released, and had forgotten how good it is. It is right up there with Interstellar only with less Nolan and more heart.


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Second ti.e I've ever watched this and it's much worse than I remember.


The lead actress / character is completely fucking woke shit, by the numbers, ghastly bitch and a complete liability.


Arrogant as fuck and I wanted her butchered by the predator within the first 10 minutes.


The effects were shite too. Really really bad.



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