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little things that annoy the shit out of you


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Which goes back to that comment of, if you've ever been kicked in the bollocks would you ever want that to happen again? And yet women have child after child after child. 


I've heard this before, but I can pretty well guarantee if it were the only way to have a child that there would be men getting kicked in the bollocks regularly to procreate.  Biology being what it is and all.

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I've heard this before, but I can pretty well guarantee if it were the only way to have a child that there would be men getting kicked in the bollocks regularly to procreate.  Biology being what it is and all.


Ah you never heard of the now extinct animal that procreated this way, once. 


I know one thing for sure, if we did procreate that way we wouldn't go on and fucking on about it all of the time.

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Which goes back to that comment of, if you've ever been kicked in the bollocks would you ever want that to happen again? And yet women have child after child after child. 


My daughter is a real wimp when it comes to pain and was dreading having her first child. Yet afterwards she told me that it wasn't bad at all. So a 5 then?


That nurse might as well have said on a scale of man flu to child birth.


Give me an epidural before kicking me in the bollocks then maybe we can talk.

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People on public transport who don't observe the social contract of only occupying your little slice of personal space and keeping your noise levels to a minimum, so as not make a cramped environment any more uncomfortable than necessary for other people.


AKA fucking idiots.

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People on public transport who don't observe the social contract of only occupying your little slice of personal space and keeping your noise levels to a minimum, so as not make a cramped environment any more uncomfortable than necessary for other people.


AKA fucking idiots.

Is this a fancy way of saying 'fat people'?
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Nurse: So on a scale of 1 to 10 how painful would you say it was?

Me: I'm not sure, difficult to say really. 

Nurse: Well with childbirth being a ten........

Me: I've wouldn't know I've never experienced child birth...

Nurse: Well neither have I

Me: I'd imagine it's not that bad....

Nurse: (clearly pissed at that comment) well on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad would you say your pain was.

Me: Well I'm sat here chatting with you so I wouldn't say it was that bad. 


Fuck sake, you're a triage nurse, and you probably ask thousands of people a day for a level of their pain. Might be a good idea to have some idea of the biology of the sex of the patient you are assessing. I mean there's generally two, the pain of childbirth for fucks sake. Fucking cow. 



So did you have a girl or a boy ?

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Creaky voices. I can't decide if they're more annoying than that raising your voice at the end of every sentence thing

No, the upturn in tone at the end of s sentence drives me insane. Generic, student accent. Was that a question or a statement you bell end?

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No, the upturn in tone at the end of s sentence drives me insane. Generic, student accent. Was that a question or a statement you bell end?

I had the radio on in the car coming home and realised the worst of the lot...the creaky voice, inflection combo. Ear AIDS

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You can only stick it to the man for so long before they catch up to you Jairz.


They've successfully lost so much of my stuff that I don't actually have the energy to go through the laborious task of trying to get compensation every few fucking days.


So, they win. Well, sort of. Obviously I won't actually be using Royal Mail again.

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