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Riley Greenleaf

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Riley Greenleaf last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. By the way apologies to @AngryOfTuebrookfor the insults but his rigidity is infuriating
  2. Of course it would, but that would be happenstance, not enforced danger by protesters blocking the road, so can we agree that could be dangerous as a consequence of protesters blocking the roads. You know that the very definition of an emergency is that time is critical? There was no time for police. You asked for an example and I’ve given a real world one. She was fine by the way, it was an allergy. Blocking roads is potentially dangerous just fucking protest other ways safely, it’s not hard
  3. Well I once rushed my fitting daughter into hospital in my own speeding car when we lived in tuebrook in about 96. Would a just stop oil road jam have been dangerous there do you think? Loads of things go on don’t they, it’s not all regimented. Mad innit?
  4. Pound to a pinch of shit your a fire marshal in work warning of the dangers of a rucksack left in front of a fire escape
  5. They sure ain’t yours, how on earth are blocked roads not dangerous. There are an absolute plethora of potential dangers and the fact is you know it, you’re just so pathetically one eyed, your incapable of neutral thought, you’re a fucking joke .
  6. Means fuck all if the person in distress is several miles back and stick the FOI nonsense up your hoop, to anybody with an IQ north of a pot noodle it’s very obviously dangerous. Can you ever not just cede the fucking obvious once in a while, must the gym mat come out every single time?
  7. Hope you’ve plenty of time on your hands. Thicker than treacle
  8. Been past it a few times now, it really isn’t that good, think Tescos Xtra. Looks quite small as well, I’m surprised the capacity is as high as it is. It really isn’t anything special
  9. Not arsed about powder and paint so long as it’s superficial but blocking roads is clearly dangerous and has been proven to be so, it potentially puts peoples lives at risk so I have no issue with jail sentences for that. If it was one of your own suffering a stroke or heart attack and was snarled up in a protest jam I would guarantee you would agree. Hopefully this will make activists think twice and decide to protest in other ways.
  10. Bill Caplan nailed Tyson, he has him as the 17th greatest heavyweight he says this about him Never once did he walk through fire and win. He never came from behind to win. He never rose from the deck to win. Lack of heart? Lack of character? I don’t know. You tell me. The idea that peak Tyson beats peak Ali is for the birds.
  11. You endlessly and I do mean endlessly criticise the West, never China, never Russia. I mean what conclusion do you think should be drawn? I mean Im not arsed one way or the other, you do you mate
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