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Bit of a nightmare with Elementary, The Mentalist & Person of Interest all finishing over the past month or so. Enjoying Hannibal but not a lot else tickling my fancy.


Virgin Media not having Sky Atlantic is a pain too.


I feel your pain, not being able to watch The Following or Boardwalk Empire. Pain in the arse.

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There isn't much decent on at the moment. Da Vinci s Demons is watchable and Vikings was looking ok till the last couple of episodes.

The endings of both the Americans and more so the following where crap and pretty predictable to.

Started to watch lost as I haven't seen it and at the end of the first season. Though I cant see me watching much more of it to be honest.

Big thanks to all on here who said about mad men as I watched all seasons of that recently and loved it.

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I finished Rectify yesterday, which started last month and is about a man who spent 19 years on deathrow having his sentence overturned and returning to society. There are only six episodes and it's written by the guy who played Lincoln Potter in Sons of Anarchy and the epileptic priest in Deadwood. I think it's good. It's well acted, well shot and there are a lot of interesting themes at play as well as the uncertainty about whether he committed the crime or not, because his release was on a technicality, rather than innocence. It is cerebral and the pace is very deliberate, bordering on slow, so it's not for everybody. They also explore religion at length, as it's based in the south.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Has Defiance turned out to be any good, then?

For me it started with promise and then went bad for a few episodes and now picked up again.

It s nothing special but it is watchable in the way Grimm , The Americans ,Hell on Wheels and Da vincis demons are.

Brain fodder tv to watch when your bored.

There s been nothing of the likes of breaking bad or Sons of anarchy and the likes for quite a while now.

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FX have remade the Swedish/Danish drama The Bridge, transferring the action to the US/Mexican border. Could be one to look out for.


Definitely. FX are spinning absolute gold at the moment. In my opinion, four of the five best comedies on TV(It's always sunny, Archer, The league and Louie) the coolest show in the land(Justified), the second or third best show in the game today(Sons) and the best new show(The Americans).

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Definitely. FX are spinning absolute gold at the moment. In my opinion, four of the five best comedies on TV(It's always sunny, Archer, The league and Louie) the coolest show in the land(Justified), the second or third best show in the game today(Sons) and the best new show(The Americans).


Can't argue with that. I was initially underwhelmed by Justified but I watch it now and I wonder how I got it so wrong.

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FX have remade the Swedish/Danish drama The Bridge' date=' transferring the action to the US/Mexican border. Could be one to look out for.[/quote']


I haven't heard a single bad thing about this one yet. Really looking forward to it.

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Anybody watching Under The Dome ?


Thought it sounded like a great story' date=' so I watched the first one but thought it pretty fucking terrible due to the dogshit acting.


Might watch episode 2 and give it a shot at redemption.[/quote']


Had high hopes for this after reading the book. Was disappointed with 1st episode, not got round to watching 2nd one yet. With the odd exception, amazing how most Stephen King stuff doesn't convert well to screen.

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