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I don't normally watch British drama, but I think I might give Dancing On The Edge a blast on Monday. I think John Goodman's a mark of quality, so that's what I'm basing it on.

Typical. There's so rarely anything that I want watch and then this clashes with the C4 Richard lll programme. Decisions decisions

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Was looking for a tv series to start watching last night and I stumbled upon this one called Da Vinci s Demons.There has only been one episode up to now and started to watch it and didn't look at first to be that good.


By the end of it I was loving it.I think the reason I wasn t to keen at first is because it is a really modern uptake on it.By that I mean the way they talk etc is all modern day.Also some scenes of tits also helped change my view. Certainly has potential.


Watch Da Vinci's Demons: Written by David S. Goyer (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, the Blade franchise, and the upcoming Man of Steel), the series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.

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Black Sails

Starz Orders Michael Bay Treasure Island Prequel Series ‘Black Sails’


Black Sails (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Transformers director Michael Bay is set to drop anchor as executive producer on the new Starz pirate adventure drama, tentatively titled Black Sails. Created by Jon Steinberg (Jericho, Human Target) and Robert Levine (Touch), the straight-to-series order will consist of an eight episode first season, which is expected to launch in 2014.


Set up as a twenty-year prequel to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic book Treasure Island, Black Sails will follow the adventures of cutthroat corsair Captain Flint and his crew of brutal buccaneers, whose plundering ways have led them to the brink of extinction. Flint’s fight for survival forces him to seek sanctuary on the debauched pirate paradise New Providence Island, a place defined by both its enlightened ideals and stunning brutality. On the journey, Flint will take on a young, fast-talking addition to his crew— one, John Silver



Low Winter Sun

'Low Winter Sun' ready to put the spotlight on Detroit | Detroit Free Press | freep.com


Low Winter Sun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Some locations are inseparable from TV shows, like Albuquerque and AMC’s “Breaking Bad” or New Jersey and HBO’s “The Sopranos” or Baltimore and “The Wire.”


Detroit had a chance at something like that with ABC’s “Detroit 1-8-7,” but the show lasted only one season and had an episodic format that made capturing the complexity of the Motor City a challenge.


Now a new show is setting up shop in the city and taking a shot at creating a defining relationship.


AMC’s “Low Winter Sun,” which is set to begin filming in Michigan this week, starts with the murder of a Detroit police officer by a fellow detective. “Seemingly the perfect crime, in reality, the murder activates forces that will forever alter the detective’s life and pull him into the heart of the Detroit underworld,” goes the network description.


It stars British actors Mark Strong (“Zero Dark Thirty”) and Lennie James (AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” CBS’s “Jericho”) and has ambitions to be inextricably linked to the city.


“For us, it’s integral to the show. You can’t separate the two. I can’t imagine it being anywhere else. It looks and feels a certain way because the city looks and feels a certain way. It’s the DNA of the show now,” said executive producer and show leader Chris Mundy, who spoke to the Free Press from Los Angeles.


“Low Winter Sun” shot its pilot in Detroit in September and has nine more episodes to complete for the first season. For that upcoming work, it was approved for $7.5 million in Michigan film incentives and anticipates spending about $26 million in the state and hiring 245 Michigan workers.


The series has landed some some prime real estate on the AMC schedule for its premiere. It will debut at 10 p.m. Aug. 11, right after the first of the remaining eight episodes of “Breaking Bad,” a show fans and critics consider to be among the best on television.


AMC has become a leader in drama with programs such as the multiple Emmy-winning “Breaking Bad” and “Mad Men” and “The Walking Dead,” which has broken viewership records for a cable series.


Like those shows, “Low Winter Sun” should have the time and creative space to explore one continuing story and draw viewers into its gritty, multilayered world of corruption and crime.


Mundy said he feels lucky to be on AMC. “They’re the only network I’ve ever seen where they ask you sometimes to go slower rather than faster. Usually, networks are saying, ‘More, more, more, more.’ But they’re like, ‘Take your time, make sure you’re diving into these characters in a real way.’ That’s really liberating when you start trying to write these things.”


Pilot confirmed for Believe


New Scifi TV Shows from Alfonso Cuarón and the Creators of Fringe


Levitation, telekinesis, the ability to control nature, even predict the future… Since she was two years old, Bo has had gifts she could neither fully understand, nor control. Raised by a small group known as the “True Believers,” the orphaned girl has been safeguarded from harmful outsiders who would use her forces for personal gain. But now that she is 10, her powers have become stronger, and the threat has grown more dangerous. With her life and future now in jeopardy, the “Believers” turn to the only person they see fit to be her full-time protector. That is, once they break him out of jail. Tate, a wrongfully imprisoned death row inmate who’s lost his will, is initially reluctant – until he witnesses one of her extraordinary abilities. Bo sees people for who they truly are… and who they may become. Tate and Bo begin their journey, one in which trust must be earned. Traveling from city to city, every place they stop and everyone they meet will be changed forever. But they’ll have to keep going to stay one step ahead of the sinister forces after Bo’s power… because it will take a miracle to keep them safe forever. The powers of a young girl may hold the fate of our world in Believe, from executive producer J.J. Abrams (Revolution, Star Trek: Into Darkness) and executive producer/writer/director Alfonso Cuarón (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Children of Men).
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Frankie is a new six-part series created and written by Lucy Gannon (The Best Of Men, Soldier Soldier) and produced by BBC Drama Production for BBC One.


She is a tough, uncompromising community nurse.


This heart-warming, funny and ultimately life-affirming series is set in the challenging and complex world of district nursing.


Thanks Auntie Beeb.


TV Licence Resistance

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