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Guest Numero Veinticinco


No worries.


Any thoughts on any of them?


I'm not drawn to many of them, to be honest. I'll give most of them a try, but some of the comedies look shit.

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Frankie is a new six-part series created and written by Lucy Gannon (The Best Of Men' date=' Soldier Soldier) and produced by BBC Drama Production for BBC One.


She is a tough, uncompromising community nurse.


This heart-warming, funny and ultimately life-affirming series is set in the challenging and complex world of district nursing.


Thanks Auntie Beeb.


TV Licence Resistance


Written by a woman and starring a woman=unfunny shite.

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I'm not drawn to many of them, to be honest. I'll give most of them a try, but some of the comedies look shit.


Yeah, deffo. That Almost Human is gonna be boss or horrific. Probably the same as that Gang Related. But, in saying this, I don't love that many shows from these three channels these days anyway so not a total shock.



I was looking forward to Dracula but it looks awful from that trailer.


Didn't think it looked awful but think they tried to portray far too much in those three or four minutes. Tried to make it dead dark and moody but wasn't that good in doing it.

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Didn't think it looked awful but think they tried to portray far too much in those three or four minutes. Tried to make it dead dark and moody but wasn't that good in doing it.


It's doesn't look like what I was hoping for at all. Towards the end of the trailer it didn't surprise me when it said the director or producer it whoever was is from Downton Abbey.


Saying that, I've been deceived by trailers many a time so hopefully it'll have a bit more horror and excitement than the trailer indicates.

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Whats the best new shows you guys are currently watching? Hannibal for me and I have Vikings all downloaded to watch it block once I have caught up with Hannibal (Which is ace).


Banshee is also great but not that new!

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Not sure I like Hannibal. Only got 4 episodes in. Bates Motel is good and shit in near equal measure. Nothing particularly good lately.

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What's new on HBO and Showtime?






Ray Donovan starts in June. Masters of Sex in September. That's it really.





There is that Family Tree, posted on the previous page, started this month. A comedy from Stephen Merchant called 'Hello Ladies' but haven't seen a date for it. But that seems to be it for new series on HBO.





There is a few things that have been picked up but nothing that seems close to being released even as a trailer.

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Whats the best new shows you guys are currently watching? Hannibal for me and I have Vikings all downloaded to watch it block once I have caught up with Hannibal (Which is ace).


Banshee is also great but not that new!


Brand new shows would probably be The Americans which has just ended and I've just watched the penultimate episode of Bates Motel. The Americans is definitely better, but Bates Motel is decent and worth a watch.

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It's doesn't look like what I was hoping for at all. Towards the end of the trailer it didn't surprise me when it said the director or producer it whoever was is from Downton Abbey.


Saying that, I've been deceived by trailers many a time so hopefully it'll have a bit more horror and excitement than the trailer indicates.


Trailers are just daft really. Can't get a good idea about a show from them. Especially dramas. You can roughly gage how a comedy is gonna be done from one.

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As I'm just about done with Bates Motel and I've watched the season finale of Elementary last night I'm not sure what's next for me either.


Probably Hannibal or Defiance though I do normally like to wait until a series is ended to watch them all at once.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

I thought the way Elementary ended was fooking shoite. Couldn't even last half an episode of Defiance.

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That gang related looks good not sure about the rest any good sci fi coming out this year ?


I was just looking into that.






They have announced that this'll only be a single season series. And that seems to be it for drams. Although they are starting a quiz show next month which looks a bit mad;



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