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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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It's gutting, but I can't believe these guys have no plan after so many redundancies and with so much of their own money at stake.


If they're corporate, they've already got their man, they just don't want it announced yet.

Nail head you have it spot on I think.


This isnt a thing that was decided at the weekend,this was decided way back.


If you look back to the celebrations etc at the Carling cup final and look at John Henrys face.He does not look like a man whos to happy.


The one thing I can guarantee you though is they aint going to listen to the fans this time about who should be manager thats for sure.


There probably looking at all this as we get rid of Woy who Henry has actually said he was happy with,who becomes England manager.


We get Kenny in who the fans are crying out for.


He spends nearly £70 million on three players who have very little affect on the pitch.


That is how they will see this and thats why this time you can bet they will have somebody lined up for the job,and somebody of there choice and there choice alone.


I also feel if they can offload us they will.


Simply because there whole plan for us as a club and there involvement in us for the long run all revolved around the upgrading of Anfield.


Nothing I have seen has changed my thoughts on the ground situation from the start,that is the building of a new stadium wasnt a option for them..

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So far I have been in full support of the owners, and been patient and believed that they would get things right in the end, as far as the new stadium was concerned.


Today has been a real turning point.


They are starting to make themselves look absolutely clueless!

They are turning us in to Chelsea,Only with less money, and no Champions league football!!!


Sacking Dalglish after one full season is stupid for a number of reasons


1. It will piss off a lot of fans, If they had any sense they'd have given him another season knowing that another poor season, or maybe an even worse one would have persuaded even the strongest of Dalglish supporters it was time for him to go.


2. We are right back to square one! New manager new coach's, New DOF whole new philosophy. If the new guy's coming in get it wrong, will they just be shipped out after 12 to 18 months so we can start all over again?


3. As someone previously mentioned, who is advising them on these decisions?

Do they know anywhere near enough about this sport to make the right decisions independently?


4. To replace Dalglish they need a really big name. Martinez won't cut it, Benitez will divide both the fans and the dressing room, If they do get a big name they will command a big contact and require a huge transfer budget. Do they honestly think a top European manager will give the likes of Adam, Henderson Downing and Carroll the time of day? All will be sold for huge losses.


5. They have set themselves up for a fall now. The wrong appointment, a lack of funds and no genuine stadium news will lead to fans calling for them to quit. However unlike the last pair, We won't be able to force them out, It will just make the fans a laughing stock, and we will end up in a Blackburn Rovers style stand off.

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Fucking hell.


We've lost 14 matches this season, 14! We've been beaten by some of the league's shittest sides to the point where it was almost a given, and this site has a thread for every single one of Kenny's buys which basically revolves around them being really shit.


I'm sick of this ifs and buts bollocks, you either win or you lose, that's football. And lest we forget, it's been only a matter of days since Kenny was on the end of some of our fans 'shoulda coulda woulda' shitty stick with the 'Carroll should have started the FA cup' brigade.


Where we finished didn't really bother me, finishing below Everton didn't bother me that much, what bothered me was the fact I'd become so accustomed to seeing us get beaten by Premiership flotsam that it no longer raised an eyebrow.


Top post!

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Fucking hell.


We've lost 14 matches this season, 14! We've been beaten by some of the league's shittest sides to the point where it was almost a given, and this site has a thread for every single one of Kenny's buys which basically revolves around them being really shit.


I'm sick of this ifs and buts bollocks, you either win or you lose, that's football. And lest we forget, it's been only a matter of days since Kenny was on the end of some of our fans 'shoulda coulda woulda' shitty stick with the 'Carroll should have started the FA cup' brigade.


Where we finished didn't really bother me, finishing below Everton didn't bother me that much, what bothered me was the fact I'd become so accustomed to seeing us get beaten by Premiership flotsam that it no longer raised an eyebrow.


We lost 14 games in Rafa's first season as well Section and that was without us wrecking the record for most hits at the posts/crossbar during a season and missing 5 penalties in the process, we did not have our two most important CM's only availible for 12 games each either.


Its all fine labelling facts like these as excuses, but the line has to be drawn somewhere and when the arguments does not reflect our true season that line is crossed for me.


We are not far away from a top 4 finish which is what everyone seems to crave, my guess is about 1,5 m.

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I genuinely feel Kenny is better off out of it. A lot didn't want him to hurt his legacy by taking over again, and to me he hasn't. He made mistakes but the performances of certain players he put faith in leave a lot to be desired. If as a player you are at Liverpool and you cannot give your all for a man like Kenny then fucking shame on you. Certain players today celebrating their England call-ups should hang their heads, and others too. I understand people are upset, as Iam, but the game is not what it was, do we want success, yes, is there place for sentiment in the modern game, apparently not. We can only hope these owners prove themselves to be worthy custodians in the long run. They have work to do after today to bring the fans onside.

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We are not far away from a top 4 finish which is what everyone seems to crave, my guess is about 1,5 m.


First of all, we are far away from a top four finish.


Secondly, since you wanted the domestic cups above 4th perhaps it's time to reconsider? Because if Kenny finished trophyless and in the top four, he'd be Liverpool manager tonight. That's how important CL football is to our club.

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I'm putting on record that I back FSG over this. This is potentially us finally pulling out of the tail spin when that cunt Moores sold us down the river.


Kenny was never the right appointment. Love him as much as the rest of you but he should never have been anywhere near this job. Many on here said it would only tarnish his reputaion and they have been proved right. FSG were stupid to even consider him. Unless the next guy is world class he will always be the guy who followed Kenny.

His shadow is too big and like Shankly he should be ushered away for the good of the club.


Big decisions are never easy and we are truly at a crossroads.



It certainly feels like a watershed moment.

Do they want to end the years of running in neutral, or do they genuinely have no clue?

Because if they DO have no clue, the years of running in neutral ie Top 4 but no League titles, will feel like golden days very soon.

We are finally at the aforesaid crossroads that we have seen coming on the horizon for a good few years.

It has to be faced one way or another. Buckle up. As the Flaming Lips said...

The game is moving on, like it or not. Which franchise do you support?

Im a cricket fan and the IPL is rewriting that sport in front of our eyes too.

Same is happening in the "EPL". Yuk.

Right now we find out if we are the next Notts Forest or not.



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a lot has been said in this thread in regards the owners one thing is for certain the next 12 months will define there time here. for me they are trying to make us a good sellable asset and then fuck off!!! where is the stadium that broughton said was important in the sale of the club. we have no ceo no hint of stadium plan no decent scout. i hope they have some serious ace,s up there sleeves

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First of all, we are far away from a top four finish.


Secondly, since you wanted the domestic cups above 4th perhaps it's time to reconsider? Because if Kenny finished trophyless and in the top four, he'd be Liverpool manager tonight. That's how important CL football is to our club.


Define the club?


Those who have sacked Dalglish today is about as far away from the club you can get for me, they might own the shares, but they have fuck all to do with the "club" and those who decide whats important or not.

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I genuinely feel Kenny is better off out of it.

He had fallen into the trap that managers who are bewildered fall into at his last press conferences hadn't he? Repeating an increasingly absurd mantra: unlucky/ can't fault the lads/work harder etc. Sadly there was no-one at the club who could say to him:"Kenny you're talking bollocks, you can sort this - now do it."


When you printed out his claims after the Swansea game they looked ridiculous, and if he trotted those out to FSG I am not entrielt surprised by their reaction.

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Define the club?


Those who have sacked Dalglish today is about as far away from the club you can get for me, they might own the shares, but they have fuck all to do with the "club" and those who decide whats important or not.


FSG thinks CL football is more important than domestic cups for the future of the club. You disagree.


The end.

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Werner talks like a dad dancer. Henry dances like a dad dancer whose early buggery has rendered his dad dancing inert. I long to see both of these feather-brained dweebs sail over a cliff with nothing below it but a Caspar David Friedrich painting of a great gaping ravine with their heads bobbing up in the ether like two fucking nothings floatings however you want to work out the logic of that. Just give me a fecking brick so I can deal with them directly.

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Define the club?


Those who have sacked Dalglish today is about as far away from the club you can get for me, they might own the shares, but they have fuck all to do with the "club" and those who decide whats important or not.


Since they are the owners, THEY decide what is important, end of.


Regardless of 4th or not, the league campaign was terrible and the manager ususally is the one who pays the price for that.


I was delighted with the League Cup but that should never have been enough to save a manager, be it Houllier in 2003 or Dalglish in 2012.


Benitez once snapped at a reporter after one league cup exit: 'I was not given this job to win the League Cup'.


He was spot on.

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I love and respect Kenny, a legend of a man and status. FSG did handle it very poorly....but in the end of the day sentimentality should not be one of the reasons why any man should stay in charge.


Yes I would love it if Kenny was given one more season, hard true fact is we finished 8th and if this was any other manager no one would argue against this sacking.

It was a business decision, no room for sentimentality.

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