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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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I reckon some of it depended on what Kenny brought to that meeting.


If I were an owner and someone tries to sell me that the Mickey Mouse League Cup was a credible benchmark of progress after spending 120 mils on new and replacement talents, I'd be furious. No, you don't get a trophy finishing 4th, but you get something much more important than Mickey Mouse cups -- cash, lots of it, which you need to reinvest and regenerate your squads to compete for trophies that matter.

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It was a business decision, no room for sentimentality.


If there is no room for sentimentality in football, and it's purely business, then what's the point? When the final whistle goes at Wembley, or the last penalty is kicked, and your team have won a trophy, where does business or money come into that feeling of euphoria? Aren't money and business are absent when you cheer as the team lift the trophy? If there is no sentimentality, there is no passion, and no real point.

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Listen Ive been going to anfield for 30 years, well 28 I've not been for a couple and this club has been run like amateur hour as long as I can remember. Even when we were winning everything we used to take the piss out of United fans that they were more of a shop than a team that was 20 years ago. Well guess what the chickens have come home to roost.

Some proper bosses have come in and believe it or not spent some money and intend to turn this shit around.

Everyone has been sacked. It is ground Zero


Just what we needed


I agree with you , Think its been quite clear for the last 3/4 months that everything needed ripping up and starting again from scratch , all we need now is to get rid of some of the shite who have been masquerading as Liverpool players then we really will have a clean slate.


I just hope your confidence in the owners proves correct , they gotta get it right now.

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Surely as fans we follow the team purely for sentimental/emotional reasons?


Let the business men deal with all the bullshit whilst we get on with supporting the club we love.


Anyone who feels no emotion about today is just weird.

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If there is no room for sentimentality in football, and it's purely business, then what's the point? When the final whistle goes at Wembley, or the last penalty is kicked, and your team have won a trophy, where does business or money come into that feeling of euphoria? Aren't money and business are absent when you cheer as the team lift the trophy? If there is no sentimentality, there is no passion, and no real point.


Amazing isn't it? I can't get my head round it at all. It's like we're followed by robots. Broken ones.

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If there is no room for sentimentality in football, and it's purely business, then what's the point? When the final whistle goes at Wembley, or the last penalty is kicked, and your team have won a trophy, where does business or money come into that feeling of euphoria? Aren't money and business are absent when you cheer as the team lift the trophy? If there is no sentimentality, there is no passion, and no real point.


If you leave business out, you become Everton. You then release DVDs of victories against your neighbours instead of The Road to Istanbul.


Yes, business and money are absent in that feeling of euphoria, but they are the foundations upon which it is built.

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Surely as fans we follow the team purely for sentimental/emotional reasons?


Let the business men deal with all the bullshit whilst we get on with supporting the club we love.


Anyone who feels no emotion about today is just weird.




My emotions have fluctuated ever since I first heard the news today. Right now I'm just gutted.

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If there is no room for sentimentality in football, and it's purely business, then what's the point? When the final whistle goes at Wembley, or the last penalty is kicked, and your team have won a trophy, where does business or money come into that feeling of euphoria? Aren't money and business are absent when you cheer as the team lift the trophy? If there is no sentimentality, there is no passion, and no real point.


You want reality? We have won our first trophy in 6 years, out of the top 4, out of the champions league, finished 8th with our lowest ever point tally and expect to be happy about it?


FSG should never have appointed Kenny because of the mess we find ourselves now, Kenny got us playing again but not consistently....there was a major decision to be made and was followed through.


We need a new direction, a new approach, not appoint a living legend and wish it all turns out ok....it didnt.

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You want reality? We have won our first trophy in 6 years, out of the top 4, out of the champions league, finished 8th with our lowest ever point tally and expect to be happy about it?


FSG should never have appointed Kenny because of the mess we find ourselves now, Kenny got us playing again but not consistently....there was a major decision to be made and was followed through.


We need a new direction, a new approach, not appoint a living legend and wish it all turns out ok....it didnt.


Tell me again when we're sacking the next manager in 12 months time.

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Since they are the owners, THEY decide what is important, end of.


Regardless of 4th or not, the league campaign was terrible and the manager ususally is the one who pays the price for that.


I was delighted with the League Cup but that should never have been enough to save a manager, be it Houllier in 2003 or Dalglish in 2012.


Benitez once snapped at a reporter after one league cup exit: 'I was not given this job to win the League Cup'.


He was spot on.


They really dont, without fans the club is nothing, the owners mean fuck all, the fans mean everything.

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Apparently the New York Times sold their shares in Liverpool last week.


Don't know if its any relevance at all, but thought I'd say.


heh - nothing like a little misdirection, they have sold off near a quarter billion in assets in the last four months - they tripled their money in 10 years with the investment in FSG (of which LFC represents less than a third of the overall value)

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Surely as fans we follow the team purely for sentimental/emotional reasons?


Let the business men deal with all the bullshit whilst we get on with supporting the club we love.


Anyone who feels no emotion about today is just weird.


My dad called me to say it. I am gutted to say the least. But sometimes if something is not working out you need to switch it up.

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heh - nothing like a little misdirection, they have sold off near a quarter billion in assets in the last four months - they tripled their money in 10 years with the investment in FSG (of which LFC represents less than a third of the overall value)


I have no idea of its relevance or whether it is even news at all. I don't even have an opinion on it. I honestly wasn't putting out there as some kind of "misdirection".


I just heard it and thought I'd repeat, because it was relevant to LFC.

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They really dont, without fans the club is nothing, the owners mean fuck all, the fans mean everything.


Where the fuck have you been for the last years when G&H brought this club to its knees? The owners mean fuck all?!


Fucking hell.

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Where the fuck have you been for the last years when G&H brought this club to its knees? The owners mean fuck all?!


Fucking hell.


Had we gone into administration the fans would still have been here, still supporting the club.

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