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George Roper

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  1. Sofia Iaderosa Canadian Footballer SOFIA IADEROSA (@sofia.iaderosa17) • Instagram photos and videos https://twitter.com/IaderosaSofia
  2. Orgy with other swingers. Dark haired one in the red lingerie https://bunkr.ws/v/bootyandthebeast_1-t82ddlRb.mp4
  3. Bump Not sure where to post this but this seemed the best fit. The best looking woman I work with started a 2nd job a few months ago. Talking to a lad at work recently and he told me he is pretty sure she's working as a lap dancer. The person he heard it from is pretty close with the girl and is someone she might confide in. I had previously wondered the same thing. She went to a lad who trained as a dietitian for dietary advise, started using the work gym after work and then had this 2nd job that she was extremely cagey about. Nobody seemed to know what or where this 2nd job was. There are 2 clubs in town so I decided fuck it I'd like to know for sure . One club was closed and she didn't work in the one still open. Subsequently heard the club only closed 2 weeks before I tried it so she could have been working there. On the one hand I'd like to know 100% either way. If she wasn't working in either I could kill any rumours and had she been working I would have liked to have seen here in her undies. On the other I'm relieved that there wasn't some awkward embarrassing scene on seeing her in a club and subsequent weirdness at work. Should I consider myself lucky or unlucky that that the 2nd club had already closed down.
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