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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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Based on what? Enlighten us, where does this confidence come from?


Some PR and you're all wet.


Healthy skepticism, questions that need answers, nooooooo we'll repeat a pattern and bend over for these men in suits as well.


Don't shit yourself lad. Take a second to read further.


I thoroughly retract my statement if we are even considering Martinez for the job.
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Still seething tonight. Even more so after reading that sanctimonious shit from Ayre. Seeing that fucking useless cunt still in a job and pronouncing judgment on Kenny's performance makes me utterly sick.


Anybody who commends FSG for being ruthless and not tolerating mediocrity needs to have a long hard think on what they've let that bungling tit preside over without giving him the bullet.

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A little knee-jerk perhaps ?


Bit early for a campaign.



I didn't say starting now, I said starting in a year if FSG don't deliver.


If Kenny only gets a finite period of time before he's judged to be incapable of doing the job required of him, I don't see why the owners should be any different.

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Neil you have to understand FSG. Read up on them. They know they cannot out spend the rivals so they have to think differently.

I am honestly excited by their approach.

I think we will see a relatively inexperienced coach backed by a formidable DOF. All singing from the same sheet with some money and firm targets.

Would you rather that or Kenny with another 30 mill and dogs abuse.



I'd take Kenny thanks. We weren't far off being a really good side, and I had confidence that he could put things right next season. I've gone over the reasons why I thought that plenty of times over the last few months.

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I dunno. People love Kenny so much that they hate seeing him being sacked by some Americans who have no connection to the club. And there is no problem with that. But I think sometimes there needs be realism. It's heartbreaking, really really heartbreaking, but it may be for the best. Time will tell.



I do know. I'd have had no problem with them sacking him if he repeated this season's performance next season, and nor would a good 90 per cent of the rest of his supporters on here.


It was one season Robbie. ONE full fucking season.

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Guest davelfc
I do know. I'd have had no problem with them sacking him if he repeated this season's performance next season, and nor would a good 90 per cent of the rest of his supporters on here.


It was one season Robbie. ONE full fucking season.


Very few people would have had a problem with the club and Kenny parting ways if it had carried on next season. It would have been an enormous pressure on him but now we will never know if he could have achieved it.


Any new manager will be on a hiding to nothing, get it right and it was Kenny's team, get it wrong and shit storm. The first player that wants out will also cause some shit.


Like others I am very angry with them sacking Kenny, but like a lot of others I'm waiting to see who they consider was better and so far the rumours look bad, but then it's only rumours.

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Guest davelfc

It's pretty hard looking at things as they are, with us asking permission to speak to this and that manager, to not come to the conclusion that FSG have not got a clue and didn't prepare for this.


I can only assume that they are using the Martinez link so that when they actually announce a different manager we'll be so fucking relieved we will accept him with open arms.

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Neil G is a good poster but I can't get behind the sentiment of this thread I'm afraid. If I had the choice I would have backed Kenny this summer and waited to see what next season brought. That's not what they did, and after an 8th place finish in the league I can't complain too loudly about their decisive action.


I never got the impression that Kenny was their man. He came in during our time of need as Roy was just so bad. I'm pretty sure had Hodgson just been average they would have left him until the end of the season and then brought in the man they wanted. Kenny did so well in turning things around after Hodgson that he rightly got a contract and his rescue act became more of a permanent thing.


And then this season happened.


So what next? It seems a broom is sweeping through the club. When the dust settles we will see what they have in mind. But I'm not nearly ready to be hostile to them yet. They have some way to go before they get the G&H treatment. The way I see it is that now their project begins in earnest. We are watching. Closely.

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You've never been hostile to anyone in your life, Padre. You are too good a man. Leave the hostility to us. We're the experts.

You need to be careful what you say there as next thing you know we will be getting labelled internet terrorists. cough cough

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I do know. I'd have had no problem with them sacking him if he repeated this season's performance next season, and nor would a good 90 per cent of the rest of his supporters on here.


It was one season Robbie. ONE full fucking season.



I'd have been in the 90% happy to let Kenny go if there were a repeat next season.

2 managers in 2 seasons might be extenuating.

3 in 3 sets a precendent.

And now a 4th coming up.

A dangerous, disruptive, unstable and potentially destructive precedent.

The FSG die is cast.

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Still seething tonight. Even more so after reading that sanctimonious shit from Ayre. Seeing that fucking useless cunt still in a job and pronouncing judgment on Kenny's performance makes me utterly sick.


Anybody who commends FSG for being ruthless and not tolerating mediocrity needs to have a long hard think on what they've let that bungling tit preside over without giving him the bullet.


I agree.


Who appointed Kenny? Ayre.

Who approved Comolli's deals? Ayre

Who could have vetoed any "off strategy" transfer deals? Ayre

Who oversaw the Suarez debacle? Ayre

Who promoted Comolli? Ayre

Who declared that our "preferred" stadium option was to build on land we don' t own? Ayre


Who has paid the price for inflated transfer deals, transfers whch havent worked out, no progress on a stadium and the Suarez affair? Err, everyone apart from Ayre.


Still, at least FSG have laid "solid foundations".

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I do know. I'd have had no problem with them sacking him if he repeated this season's performance next season, and nor would a good 90 per cent of the rest of his supporters on here.


It was one season Robbie. ONE full fucking season.


Kenny Dalglish went from bouncy new appointee, to an ill looking shadow of himself in 15 months.

I'm just glad he got out of this with his health intact to be honest.

Check back through my posts from months back.

The Suarez affair completely nuked his 2nd tenure.


Nuked it in his own head, nuked it with the owners.

He tried to do the right thing by Luis and stuck by his man. FSG didnt care about the rights and wrongs and the minutiae, they just cared about the PR.

Its to Kenny's credit that depsite being hung out to dry by the dry toast brigade over Suarez, that he still wanted the job and flew to Boston to make his case.

Our quest for fourth was over in the players minds when Luis was banned. They didn't fancy it.


That's why i want Rafa back, or Mourinho, because the enemy down the road have just revealed themselves again this season.

I was up for Martinez, to a degree, until i heard he was in the Baconface Christmas club.

The owners really need to wise up with regard to the scums malign influence on our game.

They really don't have a fucking clue how this league ticks.

Edited by thompsonsnose
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