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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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Businessmen owning football clubs and treating them as "brands" and "profit centres" only ever ends one way.




It's shit, but it's football, from top to bottom - from FIFA, to UEFA to individual clubs, it's the reason there are four clubs in the 'champions' league and the reason the EUROPA's credibility was destroyed by being made into a safety net for clubs dumped out of it. Even Britain's world cup bid to FIFA was sold along the lines of how much money it could deliver.


Football is all about money, it has been for decades.

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It's shit, but it's football, from top to bottom - from FIFA, to UEFA to individual clubs, it's the reason there are four clubs in the 'champions' league and the reason the EUROPA's credibility by being made into a safety net for clubs dumped out of it.


Football is all about money, it has been for decades.


Not to mention our own club played a huge part in the creation of the PL and, as one of the G14, the expansion of the CL and subsequent defiling of every other cup competition.

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If you read Carragher's comment here, it sounds like Kenny knew before he went to the USA.


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I suspect the meeting was to sort out formalities and perhaps offer him a different role at the club. Either way he clearly wasn't left hanging, which is a good thing.


More likely so that FSG don't seem like absentee landlords, by sacking a club icon without a face to face meeting. Getting Kenny over was pure PR from their point of view.

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Examples being?


United under the Glazers?


And the fact that few really are run as profit centres or businesses, and those that are win fuck all


To make lots of money from a football club you really need to run it down into the ground/ sell assets regularly/ load it with debt.

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United under the Glazers?


And the fact that few really are run as profit centres or businesses, and those that are win fuck all


Cognitive disconsonance?


And I'll give you an example of a club that succeed wildly precisely because they are run like a serious business - Bayern Muenchen.

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This thread is embarrassing.


We'll see how many humble pies are eaten in a year or two if they are successful here.


What's the point?

I agree with you, but I wont be pulling people up on it, because they're too thick to process shame.


Just like I dont go pulling up toothless retards in pubs who drop a massive fart and then gurn away to their mates and helpers. What's the point in me saying "oy, mate, do you realise you've farted and it's disgusting". No point at all.

Gurning cunt helmets, leave them be and they'll rot inside out from Iron Bru and Red Bull or whatever it is they inbibe.

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What's the point?

I agree with you, but I wont be pulling people up on it, because they're too thick to process shame.


Just like I dont go pulling up toothless retards in pubs who drop a massive fart and then gurn away to their mates and helpers. What's the point in me saying "oy, mate, do you realise you've farted and it's disgusting". No point at all.

Gurning cunt helmets, leave them be and they'll rot inside out from Iron Bru and Red Bull or whatever it is they inbibe.


No point whatsoever, other than the one I made. Im very confident with FSG.


Somebody asked me if I had suddenly lost my "self-awareness". Its as if this place never had it. We have people on here adamant that they are always correct, even though they've been proven so embarrassingly wrong in the last few years.

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The fans and FSG (hopefully) both want success - it's for different reasons - but they still both want that success IMO.



It's easy to get lost in the many shades of success IMO. And that is the thing about FSG that I still haven't worked out. There's too much talk about FFP, not deficit spending etc for me to believe that what I would call success to be their goal. Their definition of success I believe would be very different from City's or Chelsea's, for pragmatic reasons maybe, but for other reasons too.


I don't get the sense they are going to bust through any brick walls. Rather they'll break out the maps and plan some torturous detour or decide on heading somewhere else completely.


If their goal is to leverage access to the demographic tied up in the brand 'LFC' then success to them is preserving that demographic and doesn't "competitive" then become the new success. And is not giving a helping hand to other Boston based companies like New Balance aka Warrior to massively expand their markets the real success?


If uefa gave the PL another CL place next. They'd be happy with 5th IMO.

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Guest ShoePiss
It's easy to get lost in the many shades of success IMO. And that is the thing about FSG that I still haven't worked out. There's too much talk about FFP, not deficit spending etc for me to believe that what I would call success to be their goal. Their definition of success I believe would be very different from City's or Chelsea's, for pragmatic reasons maybe, but for other reasons too.


I don't get the sense they are going to bust through any brick walls. Rather they'll break out the maps and plan some torturous detour or decide on heading somewhere else completely.


If their goal is to leverage access to the demographic tied up in the brand 'LFC' then success to them is preserving that demographic and doesn't "competitive" then become the new success. And is not giving a helping hand to other Boston based companies like New Balance aka Warrior to massively expand their markets the real success?


If uefa gave the PL another CL place next. They'd be happy with 5th IMO.


Exactly, best return on investment.

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This thread reminds me a bit of that video with the lad crying about Britney getting abuse.


It's sad that Kenny got fired but it was probably the right decision. It was probably the wrong decision to hire him in the first place - the reason? This fucking thread.

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United under the Glazers?


And the fact that few really are run as profit centres or businesses, and those that are win fuck all


To make lots of money from a football club you really need to run it down into the ground/ sell assets regularly/ load it with debt.


See Blackburn Rovers.

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"If their goal is to leverage access to the demographic tied up in the brand 'LFC' then success to them is preserving that demographic and doesn't "competitive" then become the new success"


Hahahahaha! I bet you thought that would make you look clever.


Guess what?


You can't help but broadcast your neuroses can you.

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I thoroughly retract my statement if we are even considering Martinez for the job.


The fact he is even under consideration is fucking embarrassing. And while the quacking tinsel-eaters tell everyone to calm down, it's very worrying.


I mean, the idea that we would sack Benitez and replace him with Hodgson seemed outlandish and surreal, but not only did it actually *happen*, plenty of mongs who support Liverpool thought it was a good idea.


So let's not assume that anything as catastrophically mental as sacking Kenny Dalglish for one of the poorest managers in the Premiership couldn't happen. There's clear precedent

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Im very confident with FSG.


Based on what? Enlighten us, where does this confidence come from?


Some PR and you're all wet.


Healthy skepticism, questions that need answers, nooooooo we'll repeat a pattern and bend over for these men in suits as well.

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The fact he is even under consideration is fucking embarrassing. And while the quacking tinsel-eaters tell everyone to calm down, it's very worrying.


I mean, the idea that we would sack Benitez and replace him with Hodgson seemed outlandish and surreal, but not only did it actually *happen*, plenty of mongs who support Liverpool thought it was a good idea.


So let's not assume that anything as catastrophically mental as sacking Kenny Dalglish for one of the poorest managers in the Premiership couldn't happen. There's clear precedent


You are correct.

It is evident that our owners have a less than educated grasp of football, lets say.

4th in the Premier League equates to income.

Trophies are only as valuable as the income they provide.Fucking simple.

They have already "appeased" us with appointing Kenny,now its their turn.

If they are now "courting" Martinez then it only highlights their complete and utter buffoonery.

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