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1 minute ago, Tenfolder said:

Clear penalty denied again, Tarkowski once again faking a head injury.


PL is corrupt though.

Bizarre they appeared to be looking for the game to be halted and a free kick awarded by a collision with a member of his own team. They need to brush up on the rules of the game.


Forest are hopeless. Everton on their way to spawning another season in the Premiership.

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Just now, DaveT said:

How is that not handball? Totally clear cut. Don’t know how much longer I can be bothered with this sport, it’s a farce. 

Yep a clear ball to arm moment, his arm wasn't in a natural position and it is Ashley Young after all.

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So, first penalty denied because of ‘minimal contact’. A bit like the minimal contact by Robbo on Welbeck that time or the minimal contact by Quansah at Palace this season. Oh, wait.. 

They continue to make up such bullshit to justify dubious - or blatantly wrong - decisions. 

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54 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Whether it's incompetence, corruption, or a mixture of the two, the outcome is that we have the worst officiating in any major league.

The Bosnian league might have better refs than Tony Taylor.

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