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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

VAR is totally killing the game.

It’s a load of bollocks, it really is.


It’s a shame as I’ve had a soft spot for Coventry since 1987 (great FA Cup Final), but Manchester City would have run up a cricket score.

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I just saw the offside. I thought the rule was amended before the season to stop those marginal offside calls from penalizing the fowards. He's at most a centimeter or two off and completely square with the defensive line, there's absolutely no advantage gained in terms of forward momentum or anything like that.

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They might have fluked a win but after that performance and the scowl on that Jim Ratface owner, Ten Haags getting sent to Coventry. He might as well get a lift there from the Coventry team bus. 

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14 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

They might have fluked a win but after that performance and the scowl on that Jim Ratface owner, Ten Haags getting sent to Coventry. He might as well get a lift there from the Coventry team bus. 

I don't understand this. He's not the outright owner, he's not even 50/50 owner. Surely someone who owns 25% of a company shouldn't have a say in who the manager is? 

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4 minutes ago, Special K said:

I don't understand this. He's not the outright owner, he's not even 50/50 owner. Surely someone who owns 25% of a company shouldn't have a say in who the manager is? 


I'm not sure mate. I flivked on the shoot out and he was in the stands with that Glazer fella. Both had a face like thunder  

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10 minutes ago, Special K said:

I don't understand this. He's not the outright owner, he's not even 50/50 owner. Surely someone who owns 25% of a company shouldn't have a say in who the manager is? 


Ratcliffe/Ineos were given control of the footballing operations for United as part of the deal, id hazard as it means the Glazers can sit back, count their cash and let someone else take the flack going forwards.

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54 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:

It’s a load of bollocks, it really is.


It’s a shame as I’ve had a soft spot for Coventry since 1987 (great FA Cup Final), but Manchester City would have run up a cricket score.

Amazing final. Great game.

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49 minutes ago, Saintslfc13 said:

I just saw the offside. I thought the rule was amended before the season to stop those marginal offside calls from penalizing the fowards. He's at most a centimeter or two off and completely square with the defensive line, there's absolutely no advantage gained in terms of forward momentum or anything like that.

To give offside there is atrocious.


Its not like he’s mistimed his run or the defender has played him offside.


It’s not sport. 

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