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Summer 2023 Transfer Thread

an tha

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We can’t replace Fabinho with the way we’re setup at the moment I can only imagine the car crash of getting money for Salah in the summer & us trying to get players in.

it will be like that time Spurs got the Bale money and pissed it away. 

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1 minute ago, El Dangerous said:

We can’t even spend the money we allegedly have I’m not sure trying to replace our best player with a transfer fee that will just about get you Lucas Paqueta will help matters.

Yeah, not at this point in the window, but in general, replacing Salah wouldnt be as difficult as people think.


Theres a bunch of different ways we could do it, whereas with someone like Fabinho, you have no choice but to buy another 6. The pool of players is restricted. 

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Just now, 3 Stacks said:

Yeah, not at this point in the window, but in general, replacing Salah wouldnt be as difficult as people think.


Theres a bunch of different ways we could do it, whereas with someone like Fabinho, you have no choice but to buy another 6. The pool of players is restricted. 

If only it was that simple.


I'm sure the money would get trouser-ed somewhere else.

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

Now thats another factor. But I imagine when we do sell him next summer hell have accepted the inevitable outcome. 


If Salah wants to go next Summer Klopp is unlikely to stand in his way, part of his thing is having players who want to be here and are pulling in the same direction so he's unlikely to keep any unhappy player here long term but will in the short term if it's not beneficial to the club (see Coutinho).


We're still pretending like Klopp is a bystander.

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Just now, TD_LFC said:


If Salah wants to go next Summer Klopp will allow him, he's unlikely to keep any unhappy player here long term but will in the short term if it's not beneficial to the club (see Coutinho).


We're still pretending like Klopp is a bystander.

I dont think that at all. 

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Whatever price they are willing to pay for Salah this season, they will pay the exact same next year. He is the superstar footballer for muslims in the middle east. It's a transfer they HAVE to make in Saudi, because they know it would elevate the league and increase awareness/presence/merchandise, sales etc etc


We don't need to sell him this season, keep him, they are going to pay us the same money next year anyway. By then he'll be 32, and nobody can deny that he seems to have had a little bit of a decline. We don't really lose in this situation by refusing to let him go. We could probably even keep him for another 2 years and still get the same amount, they will be desperate for him regardless of age or contract length. 



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Just now, Mil-ing Around said:

Whatever price they are willing to pay for Salah this season, they will pay the exact same next year. He is the superstar footballer for muslims in the middle east. It's a transfer they HAVE to make in Saudi, because they know it would elevate the league and increase awareness/presence/merchandise, sales etc etc


We don't need to sell him this season, keep him, they are going to pay us the same money next year anyway. By then he'll be 32, and nobody can deny that he seems to have had a little bit of a decline. We don't really lose in this situation by refusing to let him go. 



Agreed. It is 100% in LFC’s hand, and I personally think it won’t happen. Klopp will not allow it to happen this year.

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36 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Yeah, not at this point in the window, but in general, replacing Salah wouldnt be as difficult as people think.


Theres a bunch of different ways we could do it, whereas with someone like Fabinho, you have no choice but to buy another 6. The pool of players is restricted. 


We might even already have the answer in Szoboszlai. 

He played Right wing for RBL a lot last season.


If they do want Salah this summer, I'd demand a world record fee, then sign the best two midfield players and centre back we can get. 


We aren't going to win the league this season and we obviously aren't winning the Champions league this year, so in some ways it makes sense to try and get everything ready for a real tilt at both next season.

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14 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


We might even already have the answer in Szoboszlai. 

He played Right wing for RBL a lot last season.


If they do want Salah this summer, I'd demand a world record fee, then sign the best two midfield players and centre back we can get. 


We aren't going to win the league this season and we obviously aren't winning the Champions league this year, so in some ways it makes sense to try and get everything ready for a real tilt at both next season.

In theory there are more solutions to replace Salah, but not at this exact time. 


The club are skittish and selective at even the most opportune of times. Realistically, the club dont want to spend on players with a week left in the window.








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It's obviously not even an option to sell Salah this summer, and one week until the window closes.

When they come in for him next summer, I really hope we recognise the strength of how much they will want him despite having a year left on his deal and being 32 and we make sure we get a 100 million plus region fee

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58 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Yeah, not at this point in the window, but in general, replacing Salah wouldnt be as difficult as people think.


Theres a bunch of different ways we could do it, whereas with someone like Fabinho, you have no choice but to buy another 6. The pool of players is restricted. 


You must be trolling at this point. We are struggling to replace Jordan fucking Henderson let alone Salah

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