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Summer 2023 Transfer Thread

an tha

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10 hours ago, Jose Jones said:

No-one really thought we’d done enough in the summer window to be where we are now right?

We had that poll and most people were 6 or 7 out of 10. Maybe the odd 8 from the optimists.


The 22-23 season maybe made us all forget that Jurgen is a genius at getting a team playing together. Plus we’ve had players getting back to form and stepping up almost across the board. 

Elliot and Jones stepping up has made a massive difference to this team. However having people who can actually run and be fit makes a huge difference.

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9 hours ago, 3 Stacks said:

Mate, anyone with half a brain knew the business would come when the players actually left. The complaining was about something that wasnt going to happen. 

The fact remains is that under Jurgen he has had this team at the pinnacle TWICE, and both times the Club has taken its eye off the ball and we've had regression.


Now Jurgen has us on an upwards trajectory for the third time and is leaving. What I'm saying is we should always be in the market and thinking as far ahead as possible so we don't give ourselves a mountain to climb. Defence should have already been sorted in my opinion and players brought in as the next evolution to replace VVD and Matip.


We were lucky last summer that it turned out favourable as we were left with a massive job of completely overhauling the midfield. We got away with it, most teams don't.

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58 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Elliot and Jones stepping up has made a massive difference to this team. However having people who can actually run and be fit makes a huge difference.

Not just them though eh? Matip was back on form before his injury, Gomez is at his best ever level, Virg and Trent are miles better than last season. Darwin has gone up a notch and I’d say Jota as well. 
If you drew up a list of everything that would need to go right for us to challenge again, it pretty much has.

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5 hours ago, Reckoner said:

What’s all this quoting yourself business? Fucking Brendan Rodgers would cringe.



Some of us just get a lot of stuff right and like to flaunt it.



On 11/11/2022 at 23:22, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Szoboszlai and Mac Allister are the names I'm hearing. Caicedo's a vapescreen.


*taps nose*


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Can't remember exactly what I said about the summer business at the time but I do remember I wasn't that enamoured with it. To be honest I was firmly in favour of playing Trent as an 8 and going all out for another 6 and a right back. Never been happier to be shown I know fuck all about football.

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3 hours ago, BeefStroganoff said:

The fact remains is that under Jurgen he has had this team at the pinnacle TWICE, and both times the Club has taken its eye off the ball and we've had regression.


Now Jurgen has us on an upwards trajectory for the third time and is leaving. What I'm saying is we should always be in the market and thinking as far ahead as possible so we don't give ourselves a mountain to climb. Defence should have already been sorted in my opinion and players brought in as the next evolution to replace VVD and Matip.


We were lucky last summer that it turned out favourable as we were left with a massive job of completely overhauling the midfield. We got away with it, most teams don't.

This poetry is now in motion…



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On 20/07/2023 at 20:59, Anubis said:

Ox’s agent must have been touting him around. Similar to the desperate tweet from Lingard banging on about how he’d be open to offers from the Saudi league.

Jesse Lingard told he ‘isn’t a football player’ in brutal comments by FC Seoul boss as ex-Man Utd star threatened with exile from first team amid nightmare Korea spell

Kim said: "I've been thinking a lot about removing Jesse. I don't think a player who doesn't run for a few minutes is a football player. If he doesn't fight, and doesn't run better than the player who runs for 90 minutes?"


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I'm astounded Raggety is still getting a game. If I was the PL at Forest's points appeal, I'd simply exhibit a photograph of J-Lingz and say "The appellant spent transfer money on Jesse Lingard, which contributed to their lack of complaiance. The prosecution rests."

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