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47 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Remastered it's about 3 years old. Seems an unusual choice to update it looked great anyway. They need to do rdr2 for the frame rate.


It's effectively just a next gen port with a new game mode tacked on and a few bonus missions, they'll have called it remastered to keep up with the naming convention from the first game.


They needed to put something out with Last of Us 2 online dead in the water and whatever their new IP is a long way off.

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They need to stop with the constant remasters full stop. Get on with making new titles. Or at least remastering anything in the last 10 years. Resident evil made sense but remastering Red Dead 2,Last of us 2 or GTA is a pisstake. 


Game journos are passing me off aswell. Constantly claiming what fans want is ......


Shorter games,smaller maps etc. 

Fuck off, it's alright when you are getting access to games as part of your job and need to jump to a new game as they release. Some of us like spending time on a game and like exploring large maps. The recent RPG assassin's creed have been superb for this. 


Even heard one saying paying by the hours isn't a bad idea(complaint made by developer claiming £70 isn't enough for games). 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Mudface said:


Another 1000 miles wide, 1 inch deep grindfest then.

Probably, but you'd hope that with their experience on no man's sky and the fact they're boiling that down to a single planet so they can focus density and game play oppertunity they might come up with something genuinely interesting.

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9 minutes ago, Elite said:

How is No Man's Sky these days?


Cyberpunk reminded me of it, I'm that a game released far too early with multiple issues now fixed.


Not played it for a while but seems to be almost universally praised and every update seems to add more content and a better experience free of charge.


They really managed to pull it back from that initial launch.

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6 hours ago, skend04 said:




Hopefully, unlike me, you guys kept your copy of the game.



Problem with this is that the worst part of GoW2018 and GoW Ragnarok were the 3 hours after you'd finished the story grinding through the arenas to get your trophies and 100% the game.


Is this going to bring enough story (if any) to make the grind interesting?


Same goes for the Last of Us Part 2 dlc which is doing the same thing.

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2 hours ago, Mudface said:


Good news really. There are plenty of live service games already, waste of a studio to have them concentrating on a 'Last of Us'-flavoured one.


Think the live service thing is a bit of a smokescreen to be honest.


It doesn't have to be a massive sprawling MMO, or Anthem/Avengers style shit fest. It could be Ghosts of Tsushima Legends or Last of Us Factions and studio's deserve to get a bit of push back from consumers when they try to make out that things are a binary choice (Bethesda's lead writer started peddling bullshit about Starfield last week as well) instead of just being honest.


Personally I'd rather they concentrated on a Last of Us Part III or whatever the new IP they are working on is, but this death by a thousand cuts they've been doing with this is weird when it's obvious it was dead months and months ago.




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Honestly think gaming is going to shit. Especially solo play, it's all about micro transactions or skin/map selling. Everything needs a online mode. Also to many remasters


I don't need a 2/3rd remaster or update of a previous game. I need a decent new game, with a good story and not another style/graphics over substance title


Saw headline the other week of publishers moaning games are to cheap now and we should be charged more for longer games

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