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Arcade Fire - Don't get it all, tuneless shite with a faint whiff of pretentiousness.


Amazon Kindle - I like books, I like the feel, smell and the satisfaction of physically getting to the end of one. Stop encroaching on my shit, technology.


Treme - I still watch it in the vague something will happen but nothing ever does. HBO saying thanks to David Simon for the Wire.


Anthony Hopkins - Scenery chewing wanker.


Shameless - First series was really good, now it's just Manc scalls on toast. Just get cancelled already.


Formula 1 - Repetitive Stress Disorder in a car.

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Music festivals. Soulless corporate bore fests charging hundreds of pounds for the privilege of standing around in constipated queues of cold and misery to the theme tune of over loud, over played, over hyped shite. And every year some floppy fringed cunt on the TV tells us it’s BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!! when in actual fact it’s the same tired old wank dressed up in the slightly different colours of a new sponsor.

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It's a bit different in my case when I said I hate shit like the Stone Roses and The Smiths. Most people probably aren't arsed, as in the plebs, but the 'music people' would fucking freak.


We went back to a lad's house from work a couple of months back after a leaving do and I was subjected to hours of the manchester 90s shit, it was absolute hell on earth, but what's worse is the notion that if you don't like it, you're somehow missing the point or aren't clued up, that's what pisses me off the most.


I hate The Smiths, whingy Manc gigantic bellend quiffed queg. And The Stone Roses had about 4 good tunes, if that. If they'd had a different front man who could have actually sung, they would have been well better.

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Mumford and Sons - You can fuck right off with that Foster & Allen shit.


Any Rock Star proposing to be a doer of all things good and letting the whole fucking world know by pulling sad faces while holding a starving African child for a photoshoot for Hello magazine. Just do it quietly.


The Monarchy - other than Harry they can all fuck off. I don't want them so why the fuck should I contribute to their lavish lifestyle.


Princess Diana- Media fucking whore. I see a camera, give me a homeless scamp off the streets, bring me a mine protection kit I'm going for a brave walk.


McDonalds Cappucino - half cup half froth? What the fuck? If I wanted half a cup of liquid I would have gone to a vending machine.

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Mumford and Sons - You can fuck right off with that Foster & Allen shit.


Any Rock Star proposing to be a doer of all things good and letting the whole fucking world know by pulling sad faces while holding a starving African child for a photoshoot for Hello magazine. Just do it quietly.


The Monarchy - other than Harry they can all fuck off. I don't want them so why the fuck should I contribute to their lavish lifestyle.


Princess Diana- Media fucking whore. I see a camera, give me a homeless scamp off the streets, bring me a mine protection kit I'm going for a brave walk.


McDonalds Cappucino - half cup half froth? What the fuck? If I wanted half a cup of liquid I would have gone to a vending machine.


I was gonna post Mumford and Sons yesterday.


I couldn't bring myself to type the reasons.


You've taken a great weight off my mind.

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I'm feeling you on that F1 vibe Jules.




. Shit.


In keeping with the spirit of this thread, I was a huge F1 anorak when everyone else thought it was boring. This year when everyone thinks it's exciting I think it's overly-artificial, stage-managed bollocks.

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Floyd went shite the moment Barrett went LSD loco and became nothing more than a tribute band to the original Pink Floyd.


Jesus christ.


I'm taking the Tom line with this thread. When I get home later I'm going to neg the living shit out of some of the posters on this thread. I don't believe it's acceptable to call a thread an "amnesty" thread just so you can say something supposedly controversial without getting your ass negged. Neg me back if you wish motherfuckers. I'll be adding a list of the names of people I've negged later on.

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Jesus christ.


I'm taking the Tom line with this thread. When I get home later I'm going to neg the living shit out of some of the posters on this thread. I don't believe it's acceptable to call a thread an "amnesty" thread just so you can say something supposedly controversial without getting your ass negged. Neg me back if you wish motherfuckers. I'll be adding a list of the names of people I've negged later on.


Just going against the grain of pre-conceived wisdom. Floyd are genius by consensus, one which I don't subscribe to.


Floyd do absolutely nothing for me, if that's controversial so be it.


It wouldn't change my mind on anything, because I think after 'Piper....' they went so far up their own arses with pretentious noodling they lost what was good about them!


I do think Gilmor's solo stuff is good though.

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Can I just say to those that are misunderstanding the point of the thread, you might not agree with what some people have posted here, but as long as you can separate fact from opinion, it shouldn't raise the blood pressure. Oh, and don't pick obvious stuff like reality TV because a lot of people think that it is utter gash. Myself included.

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Gf animal wars.


Michael jacksons music - mostly shite. Does nothing for me he jyst got worse as he got older.


Beer/ lager / ales - why? Its not something when you first drink that you think fuck me that tastes good. You have to numb yourself to the fact it tastes like piss until you find a brand that doesnt taste of piss as much. Lager is gassey it bloats you and just isnt enjoyable. Be a man drink some spirits. Pints are for queers.


Cars - sure i appreciate nice looking cars but i dont give a fuck about bhp, torque etc. Just tell me if it suits my needs and wont kill my wallett.


Checking in on fb - dont care where you are, dont care who you are with if i was interested i would have gone with you. Fb is fine but fuck off with living your life on It.


Lee evans - sweaty unfunny fuck.


Holiday presents - spending money on shit. I went on holiday to forget about my daily life not buy you presents. Vice versa i dont want anything your holiday destination just have another drink so you forget more and therefore allowing me to hear less about it.

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Beer/ lager / ales - why? Its not something when you first drink that you think fuck me that tastes good. You have to numb yourself to the fact it tastes like piss until you find a brand that doesnt taste of piss as much. Lager is gassey it bloats you and just isnt enjoyable. Be a man drink some spirits. Pints are for queers.



That'd have to be real spirits, though. Jack fucking Daniels is rank and anyone who drinks it and/or buys into the Americana/rock merchandising claptrap deserves a good stiff boot in the notcha.

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Gf animal wars.


Michael jacksons music - mostly shite. Does nothing for me he jyst got worse as he got older.


Beer/ lager / ales - why? Its not something when you first drink that you think fuck me that tastes good. You have to numb yourself to the fact it tastes like piss until you find a brand that doesnt taste of piss as much. Lager is gassey it bloats you and just isnt enjoyable. Be a man drink some spirits. Pints are for queers.


Cars - sure i appreciate nice looking cars but i dont give a fuck about bhp, torque etc. Just tell me if it suits my needs and wont kill my wallett.


Checking in on fb - dont care where you are, dont care who you are with if i was interested i would have gone with you. Fb is fine but fuck off with living your life on It.


Lee evans - sweaty unfunny fuck.


Holiday presents - spending money on shit. I went on holiday to forget about my daily life not buy you presents. Vice versa i dont want anything your holiday destination just have another drink so you forget more and therefore allowing me to hear less about it.


Good shouts with beer and cars. I like beer but could live without it and think far too much fuss is made of it all, in fact I'd expand that to all alcohol. Especially wine, the amount of fuss made of wine absolutely astounds me.


Cars just don't excite me at all, even if I won the Euro millions I doubt I'd be arsed buying a new one.

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Mumford and Sons.


Posh, smug, unspeakably privileged, privately educated chancers dressed like the fucking Wurzels.


The bass playing cunt went to the same private school as George fucking Osbourne and people still buy their albums.?

I mean, really, what the fuck.?


They might as well call their next album, 'Kings Of All You Fucking Plebs', and be done with it.





"And here's one from our new album. It's called, 'Rah, rah, rah, Mummy's got a Porsche. It's not an automatic."

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I cant stand Vic Reeves and that show he does.


Posh restruants that try and sell half portions and offal at ridiculous mark ups. Its not having a cultured pallet your ripping me off. Dont get me wrong I love going to restruants just not the stupidly expensive ones where you question if something on your plate is merely for decrative purposes.


Dickens, Austen, Bronte Sisters infact anything remotely "period" bores me. Not just books, TV and films too.

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