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Magic Sponge

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About Magic Sponge

  • Birthday 22/05/1982

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  1. Sending you virtual love and hugz at this difficult time.
  2. The tales you tell on here are fucking outstanding mate, so much hatred and jealously towards people you know. Grow a set of bollocks and open your mouth for a change. But you won't will you. He's the internet's Bruce Wayne.
  3. If you took the trivia out of peoples lives, then where would this thread be?
  4. Thank fuck for that. For a moment there, I thought you were going to say punctuation. I prayed for you.
  5. My 2 week old son stares at me in a way that makes me look away. One serious fucker.
  6. Winter checks are a piss easy way that a lot of national garages use, as a way of fleecing a gullible customer.
  7. Beyond fucking abysmal some of the shit that gets posted on here. Doctor Troy, the top scouser on a one man crusade against "scalls' as you say. Give your head a wobble you fucking bad wool.
  8. Bad fucking wool you lad. How many 'banter' points are you hoping to earn from that post?
  9. All forums are masonic unfortunately. Full of in house gags and virtual reach arounds. This place included. As an example, Ive lost count of the amount of rim jobs given out over baking techniques. I suppose it's a case of 'if your username fits'.
  10. I'm not surprised that you've poked your nose in Vlad. You follow Monty and the other political heavyweights around the forum, nodding your head in agreement to the soundbites they throw out, hoping for a sniff of their undies.
  11. Has it though? Explain to me how the this has any bearing on your life daily life? Fuck all is the answer you're looking for.
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