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Brentford (H) - Sun 12th Nov 2023 (2:00pm)


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Thoroughly deserve the lead. Should be more ahead, we need to be more clinical. Tierney is the biggest cunt in the known universe. We're still giving them to much time on the ball to pass it through our lines when they get in to our half. That needs clamping down by our middle 3.

Tierney is a cunt.

We've been good, just need the 2nd to relieve the pressure.

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2 minutes ago, niallers said:

Thoroughly deserve the lead. Should be more ahead, we need to be more clinical. Tierney is the biggest cunt in the known universe. We're still giving them to much time on the ball to pass it through our lines when they get in to our half. That needs clamping down by our middle 3.

Tierney is a cunt.

We've been good, just need the 2nd to relieve the pressure.


So what we can conclude from that half is Tierney is a cunt? Because he is.

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Just now, TheBitch said:

I hate that second disallowed goal. 


The rules are absolutely shite. He's comes from an offside position, back onside when he connects with the ball, where's the advantage gained?


Or am I completely wrong and that's not what happened.

I though he was offside when the ball was played forward 

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1 minute ago, TheBitch said:

I hate that second disallowed goal. 


The rules are absolutely shite. He's comes from an offside position, back onside when he connects with the ball, where's the advantage gained?


Or am I completely wrong and that's not what happened.

He was offside when the ball left Matip's head, there's no way that it's anything other than a clear offside.

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2 minutes ago, niallers said:

Thoroughly deserve the lead. Should be more ahead, we need to be more clinical. Tierney is the biggest cunt in the known universe. We're still giving them to much time on the ball to pass it through our lines when they get in to our half. That needs clamping down by our middle 3.

Tierney is a cunt.

We've been good, just need the 2nd to relieve the pressure.


They talk about respect. It's never mutual. He laughs his fecking head off if we get a goal struck off, but books Matip for failing to appreciate his godawful decision for a foul. He's so blatantly biased he just doesn't give a damn, because he knows anyone who criticises him will be fined by his mates.

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3 minutes ago, magicrat said:

I though he was offside when the ball was played forward 


3 minutes ago, Elite said:

He was offside when the ball left Matip's head, there's no way that it's anything other than a clear offside.


Yeah, I get it, he was miles off, but he's come back onside when he connects with the ball, I just think it's shite as he's not really got an advantage by being offside initially.

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