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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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1 minute ago, Moo said:


Well, perhaps a match where we're not away at a notoriously difficult ground and down to 10 men.


Yeah in all honesty is just catching a stray given how pissed off I am with everything right now, the game, the refs being corrupt, the manager making obscure decisions, the owners not giving a fuck about us, all of it.


I still don't think he is good enough at all to be our starting DM, but like you I'd normally reserve comment for 2 or 3 matches. Not his fault anyway.

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8 minutes ago, FrenchEyeGlass said:


He doesn't have that excuse for me. We apparently signed him because of his experience, readiness to slot in, and all of that bollocks. He's 30, if we have to waste half a season until we can judge him, what the hell was the point in signing him.


His second game in both of which we've been reduced to 10 men. Fuck me, you talk absolute fucking shite.  

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