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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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4 minutes ago, BeefStroganoff said:

Of course corruption exists its human nature.


Are you telling me that nothing goes on? Nothing? This is elite sport with big players and big owners and a weasel like FA in charge. Its always been corrupt. I mean Mike Dean basically admitted it this week.

He’s literally just said that. 

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5 minutes ago, Code said:

So its a yellow if the arm is almost across the face now? Jesus fuckin christ

It’s potentially a yellow because it’s a cynical foul where the player is running into open space in our half.  He hasn’t gone for the ball he’s just pushed him over/put his arm across to stop him from running as quickly.  We were lucky.  Take your tinted specs off.


He gets fouled himself and is pissed off but I’ve got no doubt Klopp and the coaching staff have drilled the players relentlessly about kicking/throwing the ball away.  Yet here he is, the vice captain, doing it minutes in when he knows he absolutely shit at defending and could get exposed.  He’s the most braindead player we’ve ever had and it’s fucking comical that he’s been given that level of responsibility.  In a way his sheer level of stupidity helped us there because had it been 10 more minutes or so later and he done that I reckon the ref would have sent him.

  • Haha 1
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5 minutes ago, Alan Sex said:

I wonder if the knock Diaz took to his knee early on was a factor in him coming off. 

He's happy to get off, get back in the changies 10 minutes early, lock the door, have a quick shower, put a gimp mask on and lie bollock naked on the masseuse table listening to Raspberry Beret until half time. 

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2 minutes ago, an tha said:

Is right, sadly.


We had such an identity at our best under Klopp - such an intensity, and played with the confidence that both combined would nearly always be enough, complemented by players who knew their jobs inside out and were very good at them.


It has all disappeared and we are scratching around trying to find our way again, arguably overthinking doing so and suffering as a result.


We are a team who is and had been for a while lost.


Pretty much sums it up.


I think it's the identity I miss most. We're drifting towards Klopp seeing out his contract rather than building another great side.

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1 minute ago, The Guest said:

It’s potentially a yellow because it’s a cynical foul where the player is running into open space in our half.  He hasn’t gone for the ball he’s just pushed him over/put his arm across to stop him from running as quickly.  We were lucky.  Take your tinted specs off.


He gets fouled himself and is pissed off but I’ve got no doubt Klopp and the coaching staff have drilled the players relentlessly about kicking/throwing the ball away.  Yet here he is, the vice captain, doing it minutes in when he knows he absolutely shit at defending and could get exposed.  He’s the most braindead player we’ve ever had and it’s fucking comical that he’s been given that level of responsibility.  In a way his sheer level of stupidity helped us there because had it been 10 more minutes or so later and he done that I reckon the ref would have sent him.

You have never played football have you?


He touched his shouldnt with his arm you clown , then Gordon dived and should have  had a yellow for diving. 

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