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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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13 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

They are like some Scousers.


A Geordie who works with Mr's O'T spent ages looking for a car, because the first few he wanted to buy had Mackem-red stitching on the black upholstery, and that was a deal-breaker.



Haha, That's fair enough.

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29 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

They are like some Scousers.


A Geordie who works with Mr's O'T spent ages looking for a car, because the first few he wanted to buy had Mackem-red stitching on the black upholstery, and that was a deal-breaker.

To be fair, a few years back me and the missus were car shopping for a small car for her. She found one that she liked but I wouldn't agree because the reg plate had the letters UTD on it and it was a red car.


She had to pick another.

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4 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

Joelinton committed four fouls all game - does that mean he had no fouls in the second half?

Where did you get that info? He was called over to the ref after his fourth foul,  went on to commit a foul within 5 minutes and the ref let him off. Add that to the 2 calls for cards plus the shoulder into Mac Allister's head and he's done enough to get sent off 3 times.

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8 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

This is superb. 



Disappointed with this. Should have extended this by another minute at least by showing the sad geordie twats after our 2nd goal. 

The cheek of that Tindall cunt to extend his arm to shake hands with Klopp. Disappointed with Klopp for not chinning that cunt. 


Many of their fans were seen leaving the stadium after Nunez's first goal - wtf, its almost as if they knew what was coming. Why the fuck would anyone leave the stadium when the score is 1-1 with 9 mins to go plus injury time! 

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17 minutes ago, Carra_is_legend said:


Disappointed with this. Should have extended this by another minute at least by showing the sad geordie twats after our 2nd goal. 

The cheek of that Tindall cunt to extend his arm to shake hands with Klopp. Disappointed with Klopp for not chinning that cunt. 


Many of their fans were seen leaving the stadium after Nunez's first goal - wtf, its almost as if they knew what was coming. Why the fuck would anyone leave the stadium when the score is 1-1 with 9 mins to go plus injury time! 


Chips are fresh out of the fryer at the chippy opposite.

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13 hours ago, Anubis said:

Just watched the Inside vid. Mac and Diaz waving to the booing Newcastle morlocks as they were getting off the coach was superb.

Absolutely love the proper South Americans reacting to stuff like that. Like they think it's all rather quaint.


Always enjoy the little details of those Inside vids though. Gomez straight onto Quansah after the equaliser - Joe's performance when he came on reminded me of how he was playing when Virgil got nobbled by Pickford in 2020; for a few games he was leading the defence and he was absolutely immense up until his knee went on international duty. Ajax and Atalanta away I remember him being absolutely excellent - the latter in a 5-0 win where he partnered Rhys Williams. Really hope he can rediscover some of that form.

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