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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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Just now, Pidge said:

I'd have gone with "fair enough, it's not his first language and the header literally says 'denying a goalscoring opportunity' so when it's presented as that maybe it's a reasonable mistake", but sure.


Yeah, but you haven't just been negged by him.

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Just now, Code said:

You have never played football have you?


He touched his shouldnt with his arm you clown , then Gordon dived and should have  had a yellow for diving. 

I played 11 a side amateur football for nearly 30 years and at times in some of the most horrible football environments you can imagine.  Football that me or you play or played is completely different and is refereed completely differently to top level football.  I’d expect someone so smug about “playing football” would know that.  At the top level for about 2 decades now that sort of action has been considered a foul and a lot of the time a booking.

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1 minute ago, Jack the Sipper said:

What a load of conspiratorial bollocks being spouted in this thread. The sort of shit we used to laugh at the Bitters for.


incompetence doesn't equal agendas against us or fucking Saudi backhanders.

Well it’s either we are shite or the illuminati is conspiring against us 

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Just now, HolyHank said:

Trent is an amazing footballer, but he is a mediocre defender. He is been turned inside out by Gordon today, and that is sadly no surprise. 


Put him in midfield and buy a new right back. 


He's a terrible defender, one of the worst. He's a great passer. He'd do well in a 70s Spurs midfield.

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Playing ourselves in danger time and time again. Sadly this team looks like its going nowhere. Under investment from FSG. Not sure what's going on with Klopp/Peps tactics or lack of at the moment either. And the recruitment teams looks a fucking shambles. All starts from the top and completely uninterested upper management that just want the investment to tick along paying for itself as 4 billion profit isn't enough when you can hang on for streaming/individual club rights to maybe get 5 billion

Trying to play out from back all the time a man down is not very clever IMO.



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1 minute ago, FrenchEyeGlass said:

Can't wait to hear more pundits from the bundesliga tell us how great Endo is so I can blissfully ignore what we have seen so far from him in a Liverpool shirt.


It's far, far too early to judge.  Nevertheless a 30 year old at Stuttgart is not promising.

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Just now, Moo said:


It's far, far too early to judge.  Nevertheless a 30 year old at Stuttgart is not promising.


He doesn't have that excuse for me. We apparently signed him because of his experience, readiness to slot in, and all of that bollocks. He's 30, if we have to waste half a season until we can judge him, what the hell was the point in signing him.

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