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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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1 minute ago, Fugitive said:

My alcoholic pensioner neighbour has cut my hedge and grass while I was out without asking. Just knocked and asked for £20. Told him to fuck off.


Feel a bit better now. 

Should have gave him a slap cheeky fucker doing your garden.

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2 minutes ago, FrenchEyeGlass said:


What the fuck have you ever contributed to this site you fucking sad little fucking blert? Go and cry about how you hate Leeds despite living here you fucking pussy


I've contributed a fuck site more than you have, you weird, pointless little cunt. Now as I said earlier, go fuck yourself. 

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

Are you really a good team if you can't show any attacking ambition when you have one defender on a yellow card?


Is that really what you're saying?

You're a fucking idiot if you think that is what I was saying. Go play some 11 a side someday, you'd learn a lot.

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Regardless of the result here now I think there's positives to take here. I was worried these might he a bit better than this...they're not. We've looked as in the game as you could expect with 10 away from home, and we haven't completely fallen apart which is what I feared. Give us 11 men against these and we'll be fine 

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2 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

What's the bet Klopp gets IRATE at any journos who ask him if he's still looking for players.


Got a feeling after the window closes, and maybe after the Saudi Arabia window closes, we might just get a bit more straight talking from Klopp. He's far too verbose in some situations but I don't think it'll be long before he chooses to be blunt. He'll be professional but clear. No reason for me thinking that, just a feeling as he'll be pretty much at the point where he has nothing to lose.


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