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Man City - the new bitters?


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Thinking about this, if it ends up with titles being stripped, the end result being we are 2 league wins behind United instead of 1, it’s be the final insult of how bad our lucks gone. 
We went toe to fucking toe and they scraped into 2nd once the league was well gone.

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19 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

So far. But HMRC prosecute criminally. Different level of proof required granted but if the PL win this case they will be all over it. 

Would simply be another Zahawi situation - pay up and it’s all good.

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4 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Would simply be another Zahawi situation - pay up and it’s all good.

9 years of deliberate false accounting I doubt it. The whole crux of this case is the first part which basically accuses them of deliberately and knowing manipulating accounts to gain compliance. Its not a Father Ted resting in my account, If the 1st part is proved they've had it.

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5 hours ago, No2 said:



An hour plus podcast for anyone out for a stroll. The main guy is the top city legal ITK they all refer too. He's incredibly concerned by the seriousness of the allegations and doesn't think the league makes them unless they have strong evidence. He can't see a way out for either party and makes the point about huge lobbying going on in Whitehall. That point is massive, the outcome is either incredibly embarrassing for one of the UK's top brands (The PL) or for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (even though they aren't state owned and have nothing to do with the state and have never received a penny from them).


If I was a top executive at City I'd be googling the death penalty in Abu Dhabi because that looks the likeliest outcome to me. Like the Khashoggi murder it will be blamed on a rogue employee or 2 and we all move on. 

Anyone in any doubt about the seriousness of this give this a listen. Guy knows his onions and is a city fan.

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25 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

Thinking about this, if it ends up with titles being stripped, the end result being we are 2 league wins behind United instead of 1, it’s be the final insult of how bad our lucks gone. 
We went toe to fucking toe and they scraped into 2nd once the league was well gone.

We'd get 3 wouldn't we. 

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21 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Meanwhile, a heart rending tale from Blue Moon.



He’s missing a trick by not having ‘And everybody in the bakery, even the other staff, started applauding at the same time as I threw the fucker (the sandwich) on the ground.’

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Pep Guardiola is reportedly almost finished shredding thousands of incriminating documents at The Etihad. Manchester City have been charged with more than 100 counts of financial rule breaches.



“The shredding is almost finished,” he told Soccer on Sunday. “I will spread the bits across several wheelie bins, and maybe squat over some of the bins and shit into them. We must discourage the Premier League from piecing the documents back together again, no?”

“Does anybody know what ‘The Cloud’ is?” said the 52 year-old. “My lawyer says there might also be some documents stored there. Is the Cloud something I can shred? And related to the last question, is the Cloud something I can squat over and shit onto, after it is shredded?”

“Oh, here’s this Klopp cunt WhatsApp’ing me,” he added. “Smiley face. Unbelievable.”





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1 minute ago, Butch said:

No point in getting excited about this as nothing is going to happen to city. They've got the best lawyers money can buy and the fa just like fifa will give in to the red tape bullshit they will present. 

Charges as serious as this would not be filled by the PL unless they had a pretty firm case if they lose this the PL will go.

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I urge everyone to listen the legal guy in the podcast even the 1st 1/2 hour 45mins.

The PL are accusing the directors of City of essentially fraud and false accounting over 9 years. Not a mistake but deliberately lying hiding money and not one but for nearly a decade. This is not filling in form wrong I can't see how this is not bordering on criminality.

The PL are basing everything they have on this. everything, lose and they are history it is that serious.

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Company directors have a legal duty under the Companies Act 2006 (“the Act”) not to file false information on Companies House. Knowingly or recklessly delivering information or making a statement to the Registrar of Companies that is misleading, false or deceptive is a criminal offence under s.1112 of the Act and can lead to imprisonment and/or a fine.

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12 hours ago, JohnnyH said:




Ah yes, the internet. My mistake for using the word integrity which allowed people ignore my main point and drag up something from over 20 years ago. Ok, I’ll try and be clearer on what I meant. 

Pep has been very clear that if there is wrong doing he’ll walk.  He knows that even now with over 110 charges of cheating that this mud will stick and everything he’s won is forever massively tainted. Even if City can grease their way out of this again like they did when they were thrown out of Europe a few years back, it doesn’t matter - they are forever now the cheats. That’s twice they’ve been charged. The are OJ Simpson. Even if they get off, they’re done as a serious entity. Pep knows all that and has massive decisions to make. I’ll bet he’s seriously pissed off he signed that new contract. He’ll be on the phone to PSG as we speak. 


I'm not sure the point you are trying to make. Are you saying you believe guardiola has integrity? Or he will only prove he has integrity if he fucks them off?


He works for a bunch of crooks and knew what they were when he went there. But he didn't care because financial doping was right up his alley. Of course his behaviour from 20 years ago as a senior pro is relevant. 


12 hours ago, DaveT said:

This will rumble on for ages. But hopefully there will be sufficient of a dark cloud over City through the summer and beyond to deter the likes of Bellingham from wanting to join them and for current players to want to jump ship.


I've seen some bits on the TV and something I read last night suggesting that this could take at least another 2 or 3 years to play out including the appeals process. It's fucking mental. 


4 hours ago, dave u said:


Exactly.  I'm not impartial here as we have suffered more than anyone else (along with United I guess) and I absolutely fucking despise City and want to see them suffer. 


But take that away and nothing changes anyway. If this were happening in another country and had no impact on us whatsoever, and you asked me what should be done about it, I'd be saying the same thing. It's bigger than us and it's bigger than City.


You can't have a competition where all but one participant in obeying the rules because it makes a mockery of that competition.


The biggest thing about this is it can't be fixed. No punishment undoes the damage caused to the integrity of the competition, and even handing out titles to those who deserved them doesn't make it right. It's a start, but you can't recapture the emotion that would have been felt by those who were denied trophies by City and their cheating.


So it can't be fixed, and because of that the only thing left is to ensure the punishment is as strong as it's possible to make it. By that I mean kicking them out of the league (down to League Two at minimum, if not lower) and stripping them of everything they won.  


Anything less than that makes a mockery of the whole thing and will have City thinking "it was worth it". Whatever the punishment, it needs to be so severe that they think "it wasn't worth it" and in doing so you set a precedent to stop anyone pulling this kind of shit. If City get away with it then Newcastle will follow suit, and why shouldn't they?


Dave, you say this like you believe these charges have been levied at city for the integrity of the sport and league. But we all know that's not the case. It's there because the bigger clubs have been putting pressure on from one side and there is impetus behind a regulator of the game, which is the last thing the PL want. So ultimately there's been enough pressure from within and outside to create the need to be seen to do something. And that something will be enough to keep FSG and the glazers happy, keep Tracy crouch and the goverentment off their backs and providing enough column inches to the press to keep them content, all while trying to create minimal damage to the PL product. If these charges get brushed away and a fine chucked at them, people inside this country mightn't like the outcome, but I bet outside this country it'll barely register. The outcome you mention would not satisfy the other 19 clubs, because their brand will be damaged. They won't take away that aguero moment. 


3 hours ago, gkmacca said:

 I doubt the PL is even that sure what it is they're really against here.


I think that is absolutely spot on. 


1 hour ago, dockers_strike said:


It's a civil matter not criminal so yes, you're right no one will spend time behind bars!

Not if this fully plays out..if they've falsified accounts, it's certainly a criminal matter and a reasonably serious one. But of course that won't happen..

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22 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

I urge everyone to listen the legal guy in the podcast even the 1st 1/2 hour 45mins.

The PL are accusing the directors of City of essentially fraud and false accounting over 9 years. Not a mistake but deliberately lying hiding money and not one but for nearly a decade. This is not filling in form wrong I can't see how this is not bordering on criminality.

The PL are basing everything they have on this. everything, lose and they are history it is that serious.


Yes, but the basis of all of this is the football leaks evidence isn't it? The same as uefa. And city's defence is the evidence was illegally gained, so carries no evidential value. And that's the winner for both sides. PL claim "we tried", city don't get punished severely and most charges are thrown out on evidence not being admissable. 

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Just now, Barrington Womble said:


Yes, but the basis of all of this is the football leaks evidence isn't it? The same as uefa. And city's defence is the evidence was illegally gained, so carries no evidential value. And that's the winner for both sides. PL claim "we tried", city don't get punished severely and most charges are thrown out on evidence not being admissable. 

Not sure on the evidence disclosure rules in a case like this but it is known these emails exist. The defendant will have a legal requirement to produce them if requested.

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