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Man City - the new bitters?


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42 minutes ago, magicrat said:

On further reflection whilst I still think the chance of any meaningful retrospective punishment is virtually zero there is a chance they will be stigmatised and damaged with years of allegations and stories coming out whist it all drags on . Got to have some knock on effect on the pitch and in the transfer market. Maybe it will be death by a thousand cuts rather than a firing squad.


This said the damage is done and we won’t be getting back the silverware they robbed .All we can hope for is a slow decline in their fortunes as they struggle to pump cash into the club from now on .

There will be lots of dirt to come out from the last 4 years that haven't been covered by the leak and the article from Der Spiegel. The rats will leave the sinking ship and loads more will emerge, going to fucking love these cheats getting dragged through the dirt and more.

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11 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


The only thing he doesn't want on him is their dirt. Of course he knows they've cheated. They've just promised him they won't be found guilty and up to now they've been right. 


And he's a fucking drug cheat. I never understand why nobody ever mentions it. Oh, he's pep, so they were the good drugs. 


Pep pills

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Guardiola has his “brand” to protect, so he was always going to say he’d walk if they were ever found guilty. While he has a contract and they are innocent (quiet at the back, stop sniggering!) until proven guilty, he’d have a job leaving them I believe, unless the results dipped (hopefully!) and he was relieved of his duties.

Anyway, Juventus we’re found guilty a few years back and relegated, didn’t stop them coming back up and carrying on, so while City will likely go through a turbulent period, they’ll still be able to pay decent wages and will always get some who are prepared to sign for them.

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An hour plus podcast for anyone out for a stroll. The main guy is the top city legal ITK they all refer too. He's incredibly concerned by the seriousness of the allegations and doesn't think the league makes them unless they have strong evidence. He can't see a way out for either party and makes the point about huge lobbying going on in Whitehall. That point is massive, the outcome is either incredibly embarrassing for one of the UK's top brands (The PL) or for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (even though they aren't state owned and have nothing to do with the state and have never received a penny from them).


If I was a top executive at City I'd be googling the death penalty in Abu Dhabi because that looks the likeliest outcome to me. Like the Khashoggi murder it will be blamed on a rogue employee or 2 and we all move on. 

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23 minutes ago, No2 said:



An hour plus podcast for anyone out for a stroll. The main guy is the top city legal ITK they all refer too. He's incredibly concerned by the seriousness of the allegations and doesn't think the league makes them unless they have strong evidence. He can't see a way out for either party and makes the point about huge lobbying going on in Whitehall. That point is massive, the outcome is either incredibly embarrassing for one of the UK's top brands (The PL) or for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (even though they aren't state owned and have nothing to do with the state and have never received a penny from them).


If I was a top executive at City I'd be googling the death penalty in Abu Dhabi because that looks the likeliest outcome to me. Like the Khashoggi murder it will be blamed on a rogue employee or 2 and we all move on. 

Thanks for this pal good listen.

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Just now, ZonkoVille77 said:



If they have submitted fraudulent audited accounts to the league I can only assume they have submitted the same accounts to HMRC. I am not an accountant but if you fuck with them you loose. Either the company or the auditors who signed them off. One thing I know as a non accountant is don't fiddle take, VAT etc. You will loose.

One place I was associated with had a VAT inspection and basically all the invoices for about 10 years were just chucked in a room. In no order to deliberately make it a nightmare. Two accountants came and within a week it was all laid out in chronological order. The boss got prosecuted and lost the business and the house and got 12 months

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18 hours ago, dave u said:

Whatever the punishment is if the charges are proven, it has to be pretty draconian. Like, relegation not just to the Championship, but right to the bottom of the ladder.


The reason why it has to be that severe is that you can't have a club cheating for that length of time, distorting a competition where everyone else is playing by the rules. If the punishment isn't massively severe then City will feel the cheating was worth it (because it will have been). You have to hit them with something that shows cheating isn't worth it.

Yeah, totally agree. It’s not even about City at that point, or even punishing them, it’s about the credibility of the rules and the sport. They must be stripped of titles and relegated. That can’t stand, otherwise the message is ‘yeah, just do what you want and then factor in the cost of getting caught’. 

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Depending on what happened and what your role was, you may receive a sentence of six months to seven years in prison. You may also be required to pay a fine. The maximum sentences will only be issued when there has been reckless and blatant offending that involves a large amount of money.

https://www.stuartmillersolicitors.co.uk/sentences/sentencing-for-false-accounting/#:~:text=Depending on what happened and,a large amount of money.

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25 minutes ago, Numero Veinticinco said:

Yeah, totally agree. It’s not even about City at that point, or even punishing them, it’s about the credibility of the rules and the sport. They must be stripped of titles and relegated. That can’t stand, otherwise the message is ‘yeah, just do what you want and then factor in the cost of getting caught’. 


Exactly.  I'm not impartial here as we have suffered more than anyone else (along with United I guess) and I absolutely fucking despise City and want to see them suffer. 


But take that away and nothing changes anyway. If this were happening in another country and had no impact on us whatsoever, and you asked me what should be done about it, I'd be saying the same thing. It's bigger than us and it's bigger than City.


You can't have a competition where all but one participant in obeying the rules because it makes a mockery of that competition.


The biggest thing about this is it can't be fixed. No punishment undoes the damage caused to the integrity of the competition, and even handing out titles to those who deserved them doesn't make it right. It's a start, but you can't recapture the emotion that would have been felt by those who were denied trophies by City and their cheating.


So it can't be fixed, and because of that the only thing left is to ensure the punishment is as strong as it's possible to make it. By that I mean kicking them out of the league (down to League Two at minimum, if not lower) and stripping them of everything they won.  


Anything less than that makes a mockery of the whole thing and will have City thinking "it was worth it". Whatever the punishment, it needs to be so severe that they think "it wasn't worth it" and in doing so you set a precedent to stop anyone pulling this kind of shit. If City get away with it then Newcastle will follow suit, and why shouldn't they?

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As for Guardiola, he's a fraud and a liar. "They told me they did nothing wrong and I believe them". Mate, they've already been found guilty and they didn't even appeal it. They just said "doesn't matter what your evidence is, you can't use it as it's over five years old". 


He knew there and then they were guilty but he doesn't give a fuck. He should quit today if he's a man of his word, but he's not. So he'll stay until either the players revolt and get rid of him (which isn't far off if you believe recent reports) or until the punishment is handed down and he realises he can't play with a stacked deck anymore.


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2 minutes ago, dave u said:


Exactly.  I'm not impartial here as we have suffered more than anyone else (along with United I guess) and I absolutely fucking despise City and want to see them suffer. 


But take that away and nothing changes anyway. If this were happening in another country and had no impact on us whatsoever, and you asked me what should be done about it, I'd be saying the same thing. It's bigger than us and it's bigger than City.


You can't have a competition where all but one participant in obeying the rules because it makes a mockery of that competition.


The biggest thing about this is it can't be fixed. No punishment undoes the damage caused to the integrity of the competition, and even handing out titles to those who deserved them doesn't make it right. It's a start, but you can't recapture the emotion that would have been felt by those who were denied trophies by City and their cheating.


So it can't be fixed, and because of that the only thing left is to ensure the punishment is as strong as it's possible to make it. By that I mean kicking them out of the league (down to League Two at minimum, if not lower) and stripping them of everything they won.  


Anything less than that makes a mockery of the whole thing and will have City thinking "it was worth it". Whatever the punishment, it needs to be so severe that they think "it wasn't worth it" and in doing so you set a precedent to stop anyone pulling this kind of shit. If City get away with it then Newcastle will follow suit, and why shouldn't they?

Newcastle was who I had in mind. If they get to keep the trophies then they straight up purchased them, not even in a roundabout way; if the punishment is to keep them then they’ve purchased a club, spend crazy money  breaking the rules, and then keep the trophies they bought. Well, that’s only one step beyond buying them on eBay. Newcastle will think, ‘doesn’t matter, just buy everyone and then if we get caught we will block the news back home’. It’d be a complete farce. 

That really would make the game pointless to watch. 

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