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Man City - the new bitters?


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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

Dave, you say this like you believe these charges have been levied at city for the integrity of the sport and league. But we all know that's not the case. It's there because the bigger clubs have been putting pressure on from one side and there is impetus behind a regulator of the game, which is the last thing the PL want. So ultimately there's been enough pressure from within and outside to create the need to be seen to do something. And that something will be enough to keep FSG and the glazers happy, keep Tracy crouch and the goverentment off their backs and providing enough column inches to the press to keep them content, all while trying to create minimal damage to the PL product. If these charges get brushed away and a fine chucked at them, people inside this country mightn't like the outcome, but I bet outside this country it'll barely register. The outcome you mention would not satisfy the other 19 clubs, because their brand will be damaged. They won't take away that aguero moment. 


The other clubs don't give a fuck about the Aguero moment though, and as for the brand being damaged, I doubt they see it that way either. People won't stop watching if City get kicked out. The PL will continue as it is. In fact, I reckon if you asked those clubs now at least 75% of them would say "throw them out".


I think it's far more damaging and embarrassing to the product if they don't absolutely hammer City for everything they can, especially as Newcastle will be looking at how this develops as it will shape their future strategy too.

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2 hours ago, Butch said:

No point in getting excited about this as nothing is going to happen to city. They've got the best lawyers money can buy and the fa just like fifa will give in to the red tape bullshit they will present. 

This is the most likely ending IMO.


They won't come out of this "not guilty" but they won't come out of it "guilty" either.


Abu Dhabi's lawyers will for me find enough technicalities to bring the whole thing to a grinding halt that will eventually lead to the independent commission deciding that the case can't be ruled upon.


I'd be stunned it it ended any other way....and i'd be beyond stunned if there was any sort of penalty handed out let alone all the talk of titles being stripped/expulsion from PL etc etc.


Don't get me wrong I would very much like to be wrong - I fucking despise that skid mark on the bills of the game club, they are fucking vermin, a cancer on the game....but I just can't see it ending any other way than them effectively getting away with it.


I feel the web they have spun will be too difficult to untangle - it is all clearly a very well put together tangle all strands leading back to their owners, but every strand is reinforced with absolute and total belief from them that what they present to the world is legit and they are 100% cast iron in their view untouchable - there is no way of breaking through the walls they have built around their deceit.



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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

Dave, you say this like you believe these charges have been levied at city for the integrity of the sport and league. But we all know that's not the case. It's there because the bigger clubs have been putting pressure on from one side and there is impetus behind a regulator of the game, which is the last thing the PL want. So ultimately there's been enough pressure from within and outside to create the need to be seen to do something. And that something will be enough to keep FSG and the glazers happy, keep Tracy crouch and the goverentment off their backs and providing enough column inches to the press to keep them content, all while trying to create minimal damage to the PL product. If these charges get brushed away and a fine chucked at them, people inside this country mightn't like the outcome, but I bet outside this country it'll barely register. The outcome you mention would not satisfy the other 19 clubs, because their brand will be damaged. They won't take away that aguero moment. 

I honestly believe you have this completely wrong. Around the time of the CAS verdict the FA quietly dropped the charges against City. The PL didn't and have kept on investigating over 4 years without as much as a tiny leak, that is a serious, well run investigation. There is nothing to be gained by playing to the gallery here, that came and went a couple of years ago. The government regulator will come regardless and will be toothless. Even if they have decent powers the clubs won't mind, once they know the conditions they will just get on with it.


I do agree integrity has nothing to do with it, its money money and more money. City make existing more expensive, players cost more, wages cost more, managers cost more, they take the highest proportion of the prize company, they monopolise a CL spot every year. City fucking off back to league 2 suits everyone, Sky wouldn't care, BT wouldn't care, UEFA wouldn't care, the government wouldn't care, fans of other teams wouldn't care, the average Joe on the ground in Abu Dhabi wouldn't care, even the ciny that owns them wouldn't care after about 20 minutes.

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15 hours ago, JohnnyH said:




Ah yes, the internet. My mistake for using the word integrity which allowed people ignore my main point and drag up something from over 20 years ago. Ok, I’ll try and be clearer on what I meant. 

Pep has been very clear that if there is wrong doing he’ll walk.  He knows that even now with over 110 charges of cheating that this mud will stick and everything he’s won is forever massively tainted. Even if City can grease their way out of this again like they did when they were thrown out of Europe a few years back, it doesn’t matter - they are forever now the cheats. That’s twice they’ve been charged. The are OJ Simpson. Even if they get off, they’re done as a serious entity. Pep knows all that and has massive decisions to make. I’ll bet he’s seriously pissed off he signed that new contract. He’ll be on the phone to PSG as we speak. 

You know what he's thinking?

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2 hours ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Not sure on the evidence disclosure rules in a case like this but it is known these emails exist. The defendant will have a legal requirement to produce them if requested.

Not if they don't have them anymore. Dead easy to say "no idea, we were hacked some time ago, you may have read about it in the paper, they deleted everything". 

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1 hour ago, dave u said:


The other clubs don't give a fuck about the Aguero moment though, and as for the brand being damaged, I doubt they see it that way either. People won't stop watching if City get kicked out. The PL will continue as it is. In fact, I reckon if you asked those clubs now at least 75% of them would say "throw them out".


I think it's far more damaging and embarrassing to the product if they don't absolutely hammer City for everything they can, especially as Newcastle will be looking at how this develops as it will shape their future strategy too.


As a brand they give a fuck. It must be one of the most played football moments of all time, destroying a moment like that hurts them all. They won't want to lose any ground to Spanish or German football. And I don't agree 75% would say throw them out. There's 13 clubs where top 4 isn't their business and they all hope one day it is and the only way to make that happened is to be the Newcastle or city crashing the party. 



1 hour ago, No2 said:

I honestly believe you have this completely wrong. Around the time of the CAS verdict the FA quietly dropped the charges against City. The PL didn't and have kept on investigating over 4 years without as much as a tiny leak, that is a serious, well run investigation. There is nothing to be gained by playing to the gallery here, that came and went a couple of years ago. The government regulator will come regardless and will be toothless. Even if they have decent powers the clubs won't mind, once they know the conditions they will just get on with it.


I do agree integrity has nothing to do with it, its money money and more money. City make existing more expensive, players cost more, wages cost more, managers cost more, they take the highest proportion of the prize company, they monopolise a CL spot every year. City fucking off back to league 2 suits everyone, Sky wouldn't care, BT wouldn't care, UEFA wouldn't care, the government wouldn't care, fans of other teams wouldn't care, the average Joe on the ground in Abu Dhabi wouldn't care, even the ciny that owns them wouldn't care after about 20 minutes.

I don't think they did spend 4 years building a case at all. I think they spent 4 years trying to and hitting a brick wall with city's refusal to cooperate, which I think has previously been well documented by the guardian. But they're now in a position where they don't want outside regulation (which I think the PL declared publicly) and currently have the 2 best supported clubs in the country (and 2 PL members) up for sale because one says they can't compete with the current set of rules, while the other has probably borrowed as much as it can to compete and is heading towards it's debt ceiling. I hope you and @dave u are right and the PL really want to fuck them. But I don't think that's the case at all. They just realise to maintain any credibility they need to act or completely lose control of the process permanently. 



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The big unknown is how serious is the threat (to the PL) of a European Super League, especially after the first failed attempt. 


Since that happened, City's dodgy dealings have been further exposed, Newcastle have new, absurdly rich owners and Chelsea are spending money like there is no tomorrow. 


I daresay the general public will accept it far more now. 

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