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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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He looks a bit soft, sure, but the alternative is much worse, because the only other thing he can do there is lamp the lad who's already standing over top of him due to the way they've fallen.  Gets himself a red card in that case and hurts his team, while probably not getting in a good lick on the other player anyway.

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A Ric Flair style eye poke and then strutting back onto the pitch would rule. 


Fuck yeah. You could have Markovich giving interviews about how he's going to flatten Lee Cattermole or someone in the next match then just before kick off when it's all about to kick off in the tunnel you'd have Neil Ruddock and Julian Dicks twat shit out of Cattermole as Markovich taunted him from behind them.

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Defend this...


On phone calls, it was: ‘I think you should go.’ To my face it was: ‘You’ll start every week’. It was mixed messages. He was messing with my head. I lost respect for him, to be honest. He used to phone me up and tell me I was a wonderful guy, and would I like to go and see Tinie Tempah live at the Arena with him - and then he'd not phone back and go with someone else.



Why would I need to defend good man management and making the right decision?Carroll was not good enough and rightly sold, BR made him feel like he was valued in case a deal fell through which would have meant he was stuck with a player who knew the manager didn't believe in him.


As for all the other players listed who have moaned BR was right with his treatment of everyone of them and getting rid was the right decision, you all know this is the case with most of the players atleast but will still try to make BR look like the one in the wrong.


I havent seen this thread since the Markovic comments, no surprise to see no one posted the negative comments Markovic made a couple of days later about the club which would back up my claim that he had a bad attitude.

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Fuck yeah. You could have Markovich giving interviews about how he's going to flatten Lee Cattermole or someone in the next match then just before kick off when it's all about to kick off in the tunnel you'd have Neil Ruddock and Julian Dicks twat shit out of Cattermole as Markovich taunted him from behind them.

Give him a megaphone like Jimmy Hart.

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Why would I need to defend good man management and making the right decision?Carroll was not good enough and rightly sold, BR made him feel like he was valued in case a deal fell through which would have meant he was stuck with a player who knew the manager didn't believe in him.


As for all the other players listed who have moaned BR was right with his treatment of everyone of them and getting rid was the right decision, you all know this is the case with most of the players atleast but will still try to make BR look like the one in the wrong.


I havent seen this thread since the Markovic comments, no surprise to see no one posted the negative comments Markovic made a couple of days later about the club which would back up my claim that he had a bad attitude.

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Why would I need to defend good man management and making the right decision?Carroll was not good enough and rightly sold, BR made him feel like he was valued in case a deal fell through which would have meant he was stuck with a player who knew the manager didn't believe in him.


As for all the other players listed who have moaned BR was right with his treatment of everyone of them and getting rid was the right decision, you all know this is the case with most of the players atleast but will still try to make BR look like the one in the wrong.


I havent seen this thread since the Markovic comments, no surprise to see no one posted the negative comments Markovic made a couple of days later about the club which would back up my claim that he had a bad attitude.

What did he say exactly?


Also, does you, for example, voicing your concerns over something the club has done that's effected you, such as ticket pricing, removing flags, automatically mean you have a bad attitude?

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He looks a bit soft, sure, but the alternative is much worse, because the only other thing he can do there is lamp the lad who's already standing over top of him due to the way they've fallen.  Gets himself a red card in that case and hurts his team, while probably not getting in a good lick on the other player anyway.


Is right.  Not much he could do in that situation.  Thought he looked calm myself.

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Not having that....the one hand was turned in towards his face - if it was holding hands up to show it was fuck all to do with him they would have gone up straight and away from him more as well as slower and come down slower.


His hand movements were those of somebody cowering and were triggered when the other lad moved towards him.

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What did he say exactly?


Also, does you, for example, voicing your concerns over something the club has done that's effected you, such as ticket pricing, removing flags, automatically mean you have a bad attitude?

Markovic ''I won both the cup and league championships. Therefore, impossible to forget the Benfica. But I can not say the same for LFC.


Added to the things I said earlier in the thread he doesn't sound like a team player to me and comes across quite selfish, Balotelli and Lambert didn't have a good time while here but they would say positive things about the club if asked.


I don't see the comparison to markovics situation with your question but I wouldn't say fans questioning ticket prices have a bad attitude.Markovic didn't play a lot because there was better players ahead of him in his position, the manager tried to get him in the team and help him learn the defensive side but it seems that wasn't good enough for Markovic.Like the other players who are being vocal about BR he is trying to shift the blame for his failure here on to someone he knows a lot of people want to moan about.

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Markovic ''I won both the cup and league championships. Therefore, impossible to forget the Benfica. But I can not say the same for LFC.

Added to the things I said earlier in the thread he doesn't sound like a team player to me and comes across quite selfish, Balotelli and Lambert didn't have a good time while here but they would say positive things about the club if asked.

I don't see the comparison to markovics situation with your question but I wouldn't say fans questioning ticket prices have a bad attitude.Markovic didn't play a lot because there was better players ahead of him in his position, the manager tried to get him in the team and help him learn the defensive side but it seems that wasn't good enough for Markovic.Like the other players who are being vocal about BR he is trying to shift the blame for his failure here on to someone he knows a lot of people want to moan about.

Like the person who bought him and played him out of position. Why did you do that Brendan ?

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As for all the other players listed who have moaned BR was right with his treatment of everyone of them and getting rid was the right decision, you all know this is the case with most of the players atleast but will still try to make BR look like the one in the wrong.


I havent seen this thread since the Markovic comments, no surprise to see no one posted the negative comments Markovic made a couple of days later about the club which would back up my claim that he had a bad attitude.


You should have sent them a few uplifting tweets, you could have sorted all this shit out for us.  Selfish cunt.

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