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neko last won the day on June 16 2020

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About neko

  • Birthday June 1

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  1. This 15-second ultra-high-definition video featuring a cat named Taters was streamed via laser from deep space by NASA on Dec. 11, 2023. It was part of the technology demonstration known as Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC), which is attached to the Psyche spacecraft traveling to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Graphics superimposed over the orange tabby cat illustrate several features from the tech demo, such as Psyche’s orbital path and technical information about the laser.
  2. ...and the follow-up story for the possum.
  3. Saw this on reddit earlier. It's quite brilliant.
  4. Absolutely did the right thing. It's not easy to watch, but never leave them alone.
  5. Sorry to hear that, Simbo...it's never easy. Don't know why, but I always think of this cat pic when someone loses their pet.
  6. Yup - great costume. Very original.
  7. That was 100% deliberate. Trust me, I'm a Canadian.
  8. You're such a miserable bastard on Halloween, RL. I say this every year, but I feel very sorry for anyone who grew up without Halloween. It's great for kids, but wayyyy better when you're consenting adults....
  9. Nice one Carradona Not off-grid solar though, so doesn't count.
  10. If he is looking to impress on the Saudis, then perhaps a beheading or two might be appropriate ?
  11. Bought this for the wife's birthday next week. Possibly the best gift I've ever bought. She always complains that the cats never sleep with her.
  12. I seem to be the only one keeping the flame alive....
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