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Bumfun With Natalie Sawyer or Georgie Thompson?


Who would you most like to bum?  

373 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you most like to bum?

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Don't think about it, just vote.


No fancy shit, not who is the nicest or who has the sexiest voice, but who would you most like to TRUMP if you had to make a decision RIGHT NOW!!!


It's been doing my head in all week.


No pics because pics don't do Sawyer justice, she needs to be seen in 3D. She's my choice for real...


Natalie Sawyer


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sawqyer every time


That's the third post of yours I've read this morning, all posted around 1.30am today, and you'd blatantly lost not only the ability to spell but to answer a simple question like this one in the correct manner.


It's blatantly Georgie and anyone who suggests otherwise is a wrongun. I'll accept an apology from you on this occasion as you were evidently shitfaced in celebration.

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Guest PaddyBerger15

Georgie was looking total sex yesterday, an utter filthy hornpot. I love Natalie Sawyer, and she is the type of bird you would snuggle up with and wouldn't mind actually talking to, whereas Georgie is filth and built for slipping her a crippler up the back passage...and she would love it and would then gan doon to the fridge and get you a beer after and light a ciggy for you leaving lipstick all over it.

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Guest PaddyBerger15

Sawyer is just so, just so....Mmmmmmmmmmmm




Sawyer is lovely, the kind of bird you would stay in with, snuggle up to, have a drink with, take to meet your Mum and be happy to be in a 'relationship' with.. TLW equivalent is Cath.


Georgie is the kind of bird who pops round on her way to going out clubbing...straight upstairs, skirt up, knickers down, up the back passage no messing, take it out, spurt all over her gish and she licks it all clean for you....has a beer and a ciggy and then fucks off....TLW equivalent is SKI


Both have their place in the general scheme of things.

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Guest PaddyBerger15

It doesn't look as though ski is biting on the bait today. I was expecting a 'cheeky little shit' at the very least for that.

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Georgie's lovely. There's a bird on Setanta who is even fitter though. Her name is Charlie Webster and she is yummy.


Charlie Webster TV Presenter


Setanta has this group of follies, make your own judgement boys.


Rachel Brooks


Ali Douglas




Our Kel


Alex Hyndman



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That's the third post of yours I've read this morning, all posted around 1.30am today, and you'd blatantly lost not only the ability to spell but to answer a simple question like this one in the correct manner.


It's blatantly Georgie and anyone who suggests otherwise is a wrongun. I'll accept an apology from you on this occasion as you were evidently shitfaced in celebration.


Ha, yes I had imbibed slightly, however I stand by my original post - Sawyer is a lovely brunette, t'other does nowt for me.


Sawyer. Brunettes are more fun.


Exactly. I was chatting about the blonde/brunette thing t'other day, and thinking back I reckon that about 95% of the lucky ladies to have partaken of the madstock cockstock are brunette, or at least "dark". I am verily no gentleman.

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Sawyer is the only answer.


Georgie would be to stuck up and the Setanta one looks like Lesley Ash.


That's my point, I don't know where all this 'she's dirt' stuff comes from, I reckon she's a financially demanding lass who only shags and never bums, and even then ONLY when she's been given gifts or cash.


Sawyer has that shy and naive look about her, you could suggest some bumfun and she'd giggle and say 'you're awful' however as soon as you started kissing her neck would give it the heavy breathing, then when you slipped her the finger would go to absolute pieces and give it the goldfish mouth.


Once in that putty-like state she'd then do anything, ANYTHING I TELLS YE!!!!!!!

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